Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weeks gone by

What... how can that be. going for weeks without blogging. I guess that I've been blogging in my dreams, yeah, if I had any at this point. I've been getting very little sleep lately. What, with the baby rolling on my 'innerds', and generally causing me pain at night, sleep is a fiction that I wish I could live. Between that, and getting up 3 times a night to pee, things just are driving me nuts.

Oh well. At least I can take a nap later. Let's hope.



Saturday, September 08, 2007

Update... pregnancy

It's sad really. I haven't been blogging because very little has been going on in my life. Besides, who's going to read it anyway. (Kris, you out there... oh yeah... you're coming to dinner!).

Anyway, things have been going well with the pregnancy. I can't believe that the end is near (read, kid will arrive soon - ACK!). I've been feeling really good about everything my body has been doing, or not doing for that matter... and really... it's all good.

I know that it's a bad thing to say, but I have been chatting with some friends going through hard times lately, and I keep remembering how good I've got it. Really. Good kids, great hubby, really good friends. Can't go wrong, right... right? Anyway, it's kinda like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know... the kid will show early, home delivery will go awry, and I won't even have anything for the kid to wear. Must fix that. It's actually hilarious that I don't have much for this kid yet. I mean.... it's only 4 weeks away. Guess I should get some stuff together. Kids are so easy at this age tho. They don't need much except clothes, diapers, a boob to suck on, and some comforting arms. At least, that's what I say now! :)

All in all... things are good. Now, what's oging to happen that I said that? Hmmm???? At this point, short of pregnancy complications, I could probably handle anything that life tosses my way. And, that's how I like it.


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