Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Demon Chocolate.....

Well, Halloween has come and gone. It was a good one - except for the rain. Crappy night. Why can't they postpone it if it rains... geez!

But, the bad part about having young kids and Halloween, is that they don't guard their candy.. and it just sits there in the kitchen... waiting for me. And of course, I can't refuse. It's bad. I can't wait until I get up enough guts to just put it away for good. But, then again the kids will bug me about it I'm sure. Oh well.

The baby is doing well for anyone wondering. We're still doing half and half breastfeeding and bottle feeding, but that's good with me. Hubby says that I have an unfair advantage on trying to calm her when she's cranky. I'm just glad that I have that option open! :) I can't even think about stopping now. It's just not an option until later. We are getting the hang of this thing, and even the yeast infections are staying away *knock on wood*

Now, it's all a matter of figuring out how to work in some shopping. Why hasn't anyone come up with a gadget to heat bottles of milk while on the go. Not everyone has microwaves in their Food court! This is one thing that really bugs the hell out of me!!!

OH well. Gonna keep this short for tonight. Here's hoping that we have a good rest tonight.




At Wednesday, 28 November, 2007, Blogger MRasey said...

I'm so glad things are going well. It's always something, no?

I relate to what you're saying about calming her, it's amazing how profoundly comforting the boob is.



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