He's too sexy for ... this blog....
Okay, I like it.
I really do like it.
Afterwards I'm definately reeling from the high, and just all-over tired.
I'm talking about Cardio-kickboxing. (And I bet your mind was in the gutter...) You really can't beat the workout (530+ Cals today!). I mean, our instructor has us busting our asses trying to keep up with him. And, he keeps instructing - AND talking! Wow, that guy must have like buns and abs of steel. And, well, he is good eye-candy to look at. Nice voice, nice relaxing sexy voice during cooldown stretches. I can still look, but I don't ever plan on ordering from the menu. I have a happy marriage thanks.
Which brings to mind - dating someone who looks beautiful - I'm not sure how I would feel about that. You know what I mean - those men that just look too good to be true. Very, very attractive. A-la Matthew McConaughey.

You should have seen the swarm of women around this instructor after class when he was doing laps. They were all talking and smiling and flipping their hair! I mean at least 5 women . Give it a break! It was starting to remind me of highschool!
But I degress. I'm not sure how happy I would be dating someone that was unbelievably model-like attractive. I would be worried. Don't get me wrong, my man is hot, but I'm just glad that he works in a home office, and not surrounded by attractive women all the time. The woman who dates this man has to have 0% jealousy and 100% trust because he is being swarmed.... regularly... by attractive women... who like to work out too...
I'm so glad that my hubby doesn't even look (or at least that's my little world). He would have to have a woman probably strip infront of him before he realized that they were hitting on him. ... and even then, he would say no...
And that's the way I like it! :)
You're being too modest, R -- you don't look for you, you're scoping for me! Isn't that what best friends are for...? At least, that's your story and you're stickin' to it!!
*innocent blink*
All right, I'll go shit-disturb elsewhere... ;)
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