Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Monday, January 15, 2007

100 posts - should I celebrate? nah!

Wow, didn't realize that this is my 100th post. Doesn't feel like I've been posting for that long. Well, whatever.

I haven't been around lately, as the whole famn damily has gotten sick. Yes, fist kidlet#2 comes down with the sniffles, then a cough, then PinkEye! Then I catch pinkeye. Then, said kidlet gets spots, then #1 gets them too! ARGH! Coughs, colds, Pink Eye, Chicken Pox... can you tell why I haven't been around? I even got a bad cold myself, and decided to take a few days off last week.

Well, it's back to the grind tomorrow. Kid #1 went back to school today, and I'll go back to work tomorrow. Tell me I'm thrilled. At least it'll be a short week for me. :)

Other than the obvious, things are going well. Life trudges on despite spending time on the couch reading. I'm loving my new/old ebook, and am just zipping through those novellas, quickies, etc. at a fascinating pace. (Well, I can't go too fast, there is only so much time that I can read in a day). Yes, I call it fascinating because after about 10 minutes my kids are at me, wanting something or other. It got to the point where I couldn't go into the bathroom without being followed.

Let me tell you, I totally understand why men take magazines and books into the bathroom with them. It's the quality time spent reading - UNINTERRUPTED!

It's not so bad. At least I read. Not like today where I paid the price. Yep, laundry, cleaning, tidying. oh joy.

Talk to you tomorrow... or later.



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