Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Movies and sushi

Yes, I'm here. No, I haven't been off galavanting to the east... although, I do wish.... No, life has been crazy, and I just haven't had the time to be near a computer, forget about blogging. Damn family. No, really, life is good, and work is crazy. Need I say more?

Went to see The Prestige with Kris over at our 2nd Run Theatre. (aka the "cheap seats"). GREAT GREAT GREAT movie. After getting past the skipping around in time, it was great. At different times you have to remember which part of the story you are following (they all do converge in the end), but really it's a good flick. Do what you can to rent, see, or otherwise sit your ass infront of this film. Very unique. Reminds me of "The Sixth Sense" inthat when you find out the "answer" in the end, you are totally going through the movie in your mind again, saying..... "but that means... and that's.... oh GOD!"

Spoiler Warning:

That's so freaky when that guy does that thing in the end. Yay! Save one for me.

No, just kidding. I hate spoilers, I wouldn't do that to you.... what.. maybe 5 people reading this! :)

Also life has been uneventful except for going out for dinner last week with Mr. Cutie P.T. with Kris and another PT client. Then, heading out for dinner with Mr. Cutie P.T. last night for SUSHI! I love sushi! I get it whenever I can since I found the place here downtown! I was so glad someone would come with me for dinner. I mean, I have been driving enough people crazy with my craving for sushi, so hopefully now I'm good until the new year. Unless.... ummm... Sushi platter for New Years! Oh, this had possibilities!

Anyway, I have nothing exciting to blog about. Kris beat me in squash... 2 games to nothing, and before that Mr. P.T. and I tied... 1 game apiece. Methinks that he was being a tad competitive! But, then again, so am I. I won the first game, and he HAD to win the second.... Hmmm...

Well, gotta go. That's enough of a break. More work, work, work. Will keep you posted on the New Year's Eve plans!



At Wednesday, 06 December, 2006, Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

I too was just blown away by The Prestige ... since you liked the movie so much, I'd recommend the novel by Christopher Priest .. The movie took some liberties with his story, but it's great in both forms


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