Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Keyword fun

I recently went to statcounter just to see how someone possibly found my site. And, yes, I had to check my keywords. So, I'm on the list for....

spanking hubby
good boobs (twice for this entry!)
why do guys wake up with hard ons?
why won't my wife
i asked my dad to spank me (this one creeps me out)
if nowhere else

So, really. I had to check. Spanking hubby?? Yes, here's my entry...


It holds a comment from my hubby and a mention of spanking, but nothing about spanking hubby. So, what do you think those people at google.co.uk are really looking for? Well, check the images when googling "spanking hubby" and you will find out.

.com/ FreeArea/VID130.html

I don't want to link there, because I don't want them to find me! But, really... husband training.??? Not exactly the hard core p 0 r n that I was expecting.

Okay, got to get off that topic before hubby reads it. Don't even want to know about the DVD Compliations.. YIKES!


next time... good boobs... and why do guys wake up with hardons???


At Friday, 08 December, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barring problems with physiologic impotence, all men develop erections during REM sleep. If you happen to wake up in the middle of a dream, voila! As for why we get wood during dreams, who knows. Perhaps to inseminate all those succubi.


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