Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Like a deer in the headlights

Yanno... when you just think that nobody is watching, then you find out that someone is! Wow, what an... odd?... feeling. I felt the same today when I grabbed lunch and went to read some of my regular blogs. I mean, some of these blogs are friends, but others are just some that I stumbled onto, and I find them entertaining. Maybe I even connect with how these people are going about in their lives. I don't ever expect that they are reading my blog. I mean.. okay I have a stat counter, but I don't look at it all the time.

But today, someone actually discussed something I posted about - (My gym compliment, the previous post). I went to read Dean's blog, and there he had quoted my blog, and talked about me. Hmm.. it feels a little... umm.. odd. Mostly because I blog for myself. I am not a writer, nor do I pretend to be. My blogs come from whatever is going on in my head, things that I just want to put out into the world. Nothing major, no ulterior motives. (The biggest ulterior motive is maybe so my better half knows what's going on with me) But, there's Dean discussing me, or rather my commentary. Huh.

I know, this may seem a little childish of me. Like when the teacher starts reading from your essay at the front of the class (no Dean, I don't see you as the teacher), your heart jumps, and you want to smile, and crawl under your seat all at once. Butterflies or something.

Anyway, I know, get over it Rella. I will. It's a fleeting thing. But, it's something. I know that I 'm not meant to be a writer... I can't handle the limelight... :)

See ya later

(yes Kris, my name appearing on your blog doesn't count. We're best friends. I might be miffed if it wasn't there! :) ha ha!)

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At Wednesday, 24 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're best friends. I might be miffed if it wasn't there!

Oh, don't get cocky, chicklet. I don't HAVE to talk about you, you know... ;)


(Actually, you're probably relieved by that idea....)

At Thursday, 25 January, 2007, Blogger Dean said...

I'm glad you took my post in the spirit in which it was intended, and not as... well... something else.

I'm also glad that if we went to the same gym (which is pretty much impossible because we live 1500 miles apart) and I saw you three mornings a week and noticed how your curves were coming along and said something you would take THAT in the spirit in which was intended, too.

Also, I would have notified you that I was pointing at your blog, but I couldn't find an email address anywhere on the blog. A suggestion: if you're afraid of spam, get a gmail account, set it up as your blog email, and forward mail from it to your real account. That way, you see mail when it comes in, and you can prevent it from overwhelming your real mailbox if there should ever be a huge amount of it.


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