Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Movie writers - take note!

The weekend was nothing to get crazy about, but there were 2 or 3 nice little surprises. After dealing with 16 (yep, count 'em 16!) crazed and screaming 8year old girls I decided to head to the second run theatre with Kris for a good 'ol chick flik.

Holiday was good, but it really could have been better. I mean, Jack Black as a romantic interest? I was willng to see what happened... to forgo the visions in my head of him dancing around in underwear and tights, a la Natcho Libre. But, good lord writers, WRITE! I think someone got too excited about having a comedian actually playing the part, that they forgot to write any romantic-type dialogue or scenes for the poor man. Cameron Diaz and Jude Law are not hard to imagine as love-interests, but Jack Black needs a little extra. Come on!! Even the guys who are jokers don't joke every minute (well, unless they are under 20, and even then it's anyone's guess). I would really like to see a writer take this up. Take Jack out of the realm of comedian and see what he could do with a the romantic part of a romantic comedy. Hell, if Jim Carey can do it (still not totally convinced) or Steve Carell, I'm sure that Jack could pull it off!

Well, after that crazyness, we headed back to my place to hash out the movie, and have some hot-chocolate. Kris complained about not having a photo for her online dating debut, so I wholeheartedly offered my hubby as cameraman! Yep, she got her pictures, and nice ones too! Now, all she needs to do is GO on a date. Let's see... anyone taking any bets as to how long it will take before she actually goes on one? I'm not talking about if she will be asked, cuz that's a given, but will she accept???

Well, that's enough for the moment. Nothing major to discuss at the moment, and I do have to get back to doing some work here... at work. :)

Have a good day!


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