The Hollywood lie to women
It's funny, family will do strange things to you. We just got back from a weekend away, visiting my hubby's step-family. Not bad, but after that weekend, I just wanted to go home, sit on the couch and turn off my brain. So, we rented a Chic Flick (I know, my hubby is good like that).
We rented "Her Minor Thing" (2005), mostly because nothing was jumping out at me, and they played a preview of it while I was looking for a rental. Generally not a bad movie, as long as you remember to turn off your brain first. It was a typical chic flick, nothing deep or salacious, but generally a fluff piece. I go for that - movies are there to entertain me! :) But, in the end, while I'm cuddling on the couch with hubby, I broke out laughing afterwards. Yes, I was tired, yes, I was beat, but I just had to laugh at my husband's comment about his own "hippy" hair (now maybe 1/2 inch long). The main male lead had hair down to his shoulders. I broke out in hysterics. Not at his comment, but generally at life.
Hollywood makes women stupid. I totally believe this. We are spoon fed leading men that are supposed to be the ultimate male catch. It's probably one of a few stereotypes, but I'm only going to work on Mr. Sensitive. You know - Mr. Sensitive? You can spot him a mile away. Long hair, artsy-type, maybe a watch on his arm(but only if there are a few well placed bracelets to go with it), brooding, a little messy, but generally well kept, smells great, maybe a small tatoo, but deeply misunderstood - and broken heart thanks to a stupid woman (or a line of them). It makes me laugh. Where is this man? He's just waiting for the right woman to find him so he can write songs about them, or take their B&W picture (so he can sit an brood with it), paint them, or sculpt them. No comment about if or how he makes a living - that's a whole other story.
So, what made me laugh? I thought I wanted Mr. Sensitive in my life. Usually Mr. Sensitive with the long hair is brooding cuz he's a jerk, he's a well kept slob, he smells great because his ex bought him the cologne to cover the "smell", and he can't keep a woman because he's too busy brooding about "poor him". So, what did I get instead? I didn't tread too far away from Mr. Sensitive, but it was in totally different package. Mr. Sensitive is all about understanding you, about connecting with you, about treating you like a queen. My Mr. Sensitive is tall, muscular, with salt & pepper hair (when he doesn't shave it to 1/4"), he's a computer guy with a good job, he probably hasn't worn a necklace since we dated (talk about bait and switch! :) ). But really, he gets me. We laugh at the same things, we have our stupid jokes together, he may not make computer programs about me, but he takes tonnes of fabulous pictures for me to use in my scrapbook. He isn't the movie version of Mr. Sensitive, but I wouldn't trade him for anything.
I hope like hell that my kids will learn that what is in the movies is not real life. I hope my son learns to look for the character of a woman, not her measurements. I hope that my daughter finds her own Mr. Sensitive, and not a guy that looks like him, but treats her like crap. Mostly, I hope they make some good, real life choices. It's really too bad that Hollywood does this. I mean, what's a computer geek to do? I guess he could wear a necklace, but if it's not you, then why do it? Cuz, in the end, nobody can measure up to the leading men in life - because they aren't real! (Granted Christian Kane wasn't hard to look at in this movie!)
Talk to you soon! Hope all is well.
Labels: Movie buff
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