Tradeshow Tired
So, the question is, have you ever been so wired, you just can't go to sleep? Let's qualify that statement. Have you ever been so excited/anxious that you couldn't sleep? Non med-induced, drug induced, caffeine induced wired?
I was - and thankfully it's all over. You see, my boss and I went to this retailers trade-show on Wed/Thurs/Friday of last week, and I was just WIPED because of it. I mean, the days I was there I could hardly sleep for being so excited, and when I got home I crashed! I slept like a log!!! It was great. Nothing better than crashing when you really need the sleep.
The tradeshow was a success, we had a great time, and yesterday and today we are paying for it. It seriously worked like those old commercials - the word of mouth chain. You tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on, and so on.... God, I haven't heard the words "what's new" so many times! Take a look around... EVERYTHING feels like it's new. I can't find a thing because of it. I can't go on with my daily blog readings because of those words echoing from each person walking through the doors. ARgh!
Anway, it's a good and bad thing. Sales are up, and that pays my paycheck. I'm just wishing I could do some shopping for myself, and not looking at all this nice stuff and wishing.
I guess my day will come.
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