Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tradeshow Tired

So, the question is, have you ever been so wired, you just can't go to sleep? Let's qualify that statement. Have you ever been so excited/anxious that you couldn't sleep? Non med-induced, drug induced, caffeine induced wired?

I was - and thankfully it's all over. You see, my boss and I went to this retailers trade-show on Wed/Thurs/Friday of last week, and I was just WIPED because of it. I mean, the days I was there I could hardly sleep for being so excited, and when I got home I crashed! I slept like a log!!! It was great. Nothing better than crashing when you really need the sleep.

The tradeshow was a success, we had a great time, and yesterday and today we are paying for it. It seriously worked like those old commercials - the word of mouth chain. You tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on, and so on.... God, I haven't heard the words "what's new" so many times! Take a look around... EVERYTHING feels like it's new. I can't find a thing because of it. I can't go on with my daily blog readings because of those words echoing from each person walking through the doors. ARgh!

Anway, it's a good and bad thing. Sales are up, and that pays my paycheck. I'm just wishing I could do some shopping for myself, and not looking at all this nice stuff and wishing.

I guess my day will come.



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