Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's Spring, what do you mean SNOW???

Whose idea was this? Umm... someone better inform Mother Nature that her jokes are not that funny. I woke this morning (at 5:25am) to a dusting of snow on the ground. I mean a dusting, it was pushed around to the edges of the street, and was really barely there. Then, I came back from the gym and realized that there was a little more snow. I came out of my house with the kids in tow, and had to brush off the van because I knew it just wouldn't blow off. The kids wore their winter boots, and my son insisted on bringing his snowpants to the baby-sitters! ARGH! The bloody snowplows are even out!!! It's supposed to be about 15cm from last night to tonight. That's 5, almost 6 inches!!! ARGH!

Let me tell you, I was not impressed. And now, I heard the forecast and it's supposed to rain. What a mess! Secretly I hope that everyone will stay home, and I can get some work done here at the store. I'm not putting any money on it, but lets hope.

More later



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