Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

As the Belly Expands

Yep, it's official, there is something in the "oven". Okay, so that was yesterday's turkey, I really mean that there is some truth to the fact that I'm pregnant. How do I know? The belly. It has begun.

Yep 13 weeks along, and I'm already showing. I guess that's normal, after-all it's kid #3. I'm starting to get rid of those pants that I worked so hard to fit into, only to try and find something in my closet that will fit. Ironically I didn't get a chance to donate the last batch of clothes, although they feel really big on me right now. My belly has grown, thankfully not my ass.

So, I guess next thing to do is to start getting ready for this kid. Yeah, I know that it's a while away, but knowing my luck the days will speed by! After all my youngest (1.5) just moved into her "big girl bed". I know, it sounds corny, but she looks so tiny in that big bed. Now, the next step is to move her into her own room. Harder than it sounds considering how often she wakes at night.

This time I'm going to find out if I'm looking for girl names or boy names. Woman's intuition, no, untrasound! :) If i had to rely on the intuition, I wouldn't be much better off than I am now. Kid #1 was all about sweet stuff, kid #2 was craving salty stuff, this kid? sugar in the morning, and salt in the PM! Yeah, you're so much help. So, nix the idea about intuition on this one, and go for the ultrasound! Granted it's only a 95% chance of being correct, but I think I can live with that 5% possibility.

Okay, that's enough for me at the moment. I have to find something to eat before I fade away. Have a good Easter/Passover/Long Weekend. After doing dinner at my place last night, we're heading to my sister's place tonight. yay... more food. Definately what I need for this expanding belly. ARGH!


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