Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Heaven help me

Yep, I'm working again. It's Friday and I've taken a two minute break to update my blog. Yes, the store is basically dead at the moment. But, I don't blame people for not coming in. It's beautiful, and it's Friday.

So, I'm working Friday, and Saturday. Just to make matters worse there's a festival tomorrow, literally outside the store's door! And I have to sit inside and watch (errr..and serve customers). DARN! It's a blues festival, so I wish, but oh well.

Then, after working for 2 days, I'm hosting my family for a BBQ on Sunday for dinner. Yes, if it's nice we will sit outside. But really, listening to my mother discuss how awful my backyard is, and how I should be working back there - that just isn't on my list of things to look forward to. I'm tempted to hand her the whipper-snipper if she says anything. That, or a pair of gloves and a rake. Hmm... maybe she can volunteer to babysit while I work on the backyard. Yeah, right. She already does 2-3 days a week! Argh!

But, it is my baby's 1st birthday - so it won't all be in vain.

Well, that's my 2 minutes. I'm hoping to squeeze a movie or something this weekend. I only hope!


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Die-Cutting, Movies and Spice-y books!

Please take me out - and I mean out of the house - to somewhere where it is child-free. I'm missing my Wednesday scrapbooking nights. I'll be getting them back after one more Wednesday. Yes, I work at a scrapbook store, but I don't get to do it very often. I'm usually working on material for other people. Lordy, who would have known that the die-cutting machine that the store got would be so popular. Monday I spent in the store basement working on die-cuts. 8 hours in total - and I wasn't even finished!!! This is nuts.

But seriously, I need to get some time to get out. Preferably with my hubby also, but that would mean finding a baby-sitter who would take 2 kids along. Hmmm... I love my sister! >:)

So, Kris, when was Pirates 2 coming out again?? July 7th. Can I wait that long??? Gotta get out. I wonder if anyone out there has been to that bar Kris? Any news? I wonder about ta bar that caters to the 25+ age group. Most of us have kids - and are trying to relive our youth. I cringe what some men might be wearing - no, it's not the 80's anymore!

I must say, I've been reading an advance copy of Tease by Suzanne Forster. Gotta say that I love it! It's hot and steamy. I'm sure my husband loves them too... due to the after-effects of reading a few chapters. The guy gets to reap the rewards of my reading. But hey, it's not like I get anything out of it! :)

Well, that's enough for me right now. Gotta go and try to design Oreo Cookies for my die-cutter-crazy customer!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Oh where, oh where has Rella gone...

Can you ever forgive me? Please, please??

Yes, well, I'm back to work, and now have NO time for the blog. So daily entries are really feasible, but at least once in a while is good. Even just to get stuff off my chest.

So, what's there... not much. WEll, err... not much in the figurative sense. Well... umm... yeah... anyway.

I'm back at work and working my ass off. It's been "When Rella gets back we will do this. When Rella gets back we can do that also..." it keeps going. One of my new co-workers I'm sure is sick of hearing my name. But, well... whatever. I'm bustin' my but, like I owned the place, but I'm not even a partner or anything! Whatever, that's just the kind of person I am. The last 2 shifts I worked on cardstock. Oh yeah, did I tell you that I work in a scrapbook store. I also run a die-cutting machine for them, keep the website up to date, and do a multitude of things. That's why I get paid the big bucks. Yep... nope... I work 5 days a week - over 2 weeks! So, yippee, I still have time for other stuff... like cleaning my house. So, what happened to it this weekend? Don't ask.

Okay, not to bore you all with my junk... sorry. I actually can't wait to get to work tomorrow. I work on the website, then I think that I'm going to work on a class that I want to put together. Actually it's a card swap. You make 10 cards exactly the same, then swap with others so you have 10 different cards to use over the year. Works well.

Well, gotta go. Have 1 website to check out, them I'm off to bed. Read a bit, then squash with Kris tomorrow morning. 6AM... eek.

Ciao for now