Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Yes, it's me.

Yes, I've been out of the lop for awhile.

Yes, I went on a girls-night-out, and now I'm sick as a dog. And, I didn't even drink!
(Yes, Kris drank herself silly, and didn't feel a thing in the morning. The Karma gods will get you Kris!)

Yes, I'm sick. Evil-deadly sick.

Yes, I'm pregnant, and can't take any of that chemical goodness to help me deal with my misery.

Yes, I already have 2 kids that drive me crazy!

Yes, I have no idea what I want to say with this blog entry.

... but, at least I tried.

And now, I sleep. Okay, not now... but it's gonna be an EARLY night!


Friday, February 16, 2007

Ahem... me me meme!

Ah... Kris.. How could you do this to me?
I've been tagged!

Rules: No re-tagging, write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself, chose 10 people to be tagged and list their names, leave a comment that says “you are tagged” on their profile, and tell them to read your latest blog.

1. Okay, fact #1 in my life. I'm preggers. Yep, didn't expect to have a #3 kid, but here s/he is! Oh well, happy accidents!

2. I've been wearing 2 pairs of socks lately, the top pair being a funky handmade woolen pair of pink & blue socks. I love 'em. At least the part of them that keeps me warm! Yeah, I know, not sexy.

3. My libido was close to zip until about a year ago. Thanks to opening up the brain as a sexual object for me. I love EC books! (um, so does my hubby.. well the results anyway.)THUS, fact #1!

4. I'm partially psychic, but I have to be drunk. It's kinda freaky, but fun! I'm sure that's why Kris is always DD.

5. I believe in the paranormal. Yep, ghosts and otherworldly beings. There is too much out there to think that we are are the only ones on this planet, or others.

6. I secretly think that the world revolves around me. Life stops for others when they are not in my sight. Then I meet up with friends that have changed, and I know that I'm delusional.

7. Unlike Kris, I sleep with socks on in bed, I kick them off later, but at least I warm up!

8. I go to sleep with the radio on. I can't listen to the bumps and creaks in my house without my mind going to #5. So, I block it out, and deny that it happens. (I also blame the cats for a lot of those noises!)

9. My kids have both slept in my room until age 2. My son is out, and my daughter will soon be out. I just can't bear waking up so many times at night, so my daughter sleeps in her crib beside my bed, and if she has a bad night, I don't even have to get out of bed.

10. I like to think that I wear the pants in the house, but when it comes down to it, I'm easily swayed, and my hubby is the strict discipline man in the house.

There Kris!

I'm not tagging anyone, mostly because Kris tagged those people that I already know ! :)

Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Cravings Have It!

It's official. I'm sure it's a girl. My first craving hit me, and it's salt. Lord, anything with a little salt - pretzel, chip, feta cheese. I need me some salt. So, if previous history has to say anything about that, it's a girl. Yep, sugar cravings with my son, salt needed when I was preggers for my daughter.

I'm sure it's a girl. Until, that it, I have a few daydreams... then I think it's a boy.

Oh, what the hell do I know? Maternal instinct for these things was tossed out the window when EVERYONE was wrong for kidlet #1. So, now I trust nobody. Except, maybe, my cravings. Until later, when I might want some chocolate. It is Valentine's Day tomorrow... isn't it?


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Emotions gone awry.

Wow, youknow that the blogosphere world is quiet when nobody comments on the fact that you just let the whole world know that you are preggers....

Oh well, I could be upset, but I'm not really looking for readers, just an outlet :)

The emotional roller-coaster has hit kids. Yep, this morning I officially got upset over nothing at all. Well, I consider cleaning up the kitchen *something* but really in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing. So, I was almost in tears when I realized that I had a long workweek ahead and would not be able to get ahead of the cleaning today.

Then hubby kicked it into high gear and started cleaning the area I just couldn't get to while also making breakfast. Then, he took the kids and headed for church without me, telling me that I needed a bit of a break.

Wow. I love that guy.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

BIG NEWS... half full... half empty? Overfull!

Hmm. Sometimes things never cease to amaze me. Say you have good news. REALLY. Good. News.! Some people just see the glass as half empty, but then there are your friends, who see the glass half-full, and ready to be overfilled! Thank goodness for friends.

My husband and I were talking this weekend. Talking about how life is getting easier now that monkeychild #2 is getting older. No sooner did I say that, that I wondered... hmm.. what's the date? How many.... ??? Err... Wait.... How many days since.... crap... 24, 25, 26... 29, 30... 32, 33. Oh, honey... Do you recall how life is getting easier? How about we go back to square one?

Quickly get the pregnancy tests from the store. Say f*!k it, and take the test in the middle of the day despite the suggestion to do it first thing in the morning (leave test #2 for tomorrow).

You know there are those women that have to squint to see, and wonder if that little line is a plus or a minus. Yeah. Well. That wasn't me. It was a big "+" 30 seconds in. Hugely positive!

So, doctor's appt. is made for Friday to get the "official, official" results. But, I'll take the pregnancy tests as proof positive.

So, there you have it. Baby #3 on the way. Lord, what were we thinking? Oh well. No use wondering what happened... we know what happened. And obviously, someone up there thinks this is funny, cuz we are laughing at it too. Can't cry, no point. This child was meant to be, so we might as well get used to it.

Yep. 3 kids. Forget the funky mini-SUV type vehicle. We're heading straight for the minivan as soon as this lease is up (March).

Yep, this is going to be fun. 3 kids.. 2 hands... I need another arm.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

All hail the pink and red hearts, and that 4 letter "L" word

So, what do you say to someone that has jumped into the dating world - "um... good luck?" or maybe, "Don't tell them too much." or, "Don't judge them all by the same stick as the idiots that aren't literate?". Hmm, I'm just at a loss. But, I am glad that Kris has joined the dating world and all. Well, she hasn't actually hit a date, but yanno, it will arrive sooner or later.

On the idea of dating, I turned the page on the calendar this morning, only to find a note scrawled onto the second saturday of the month. "Busy in the evening". You see, hubby and I live and die by the calendar. If it isn't on the calendar, it probably won't happen - or tough for you if someone booked a second outing that night. If you don't write it down, it doesn't exist. So, having said that, I can understand "busy in the evening" as scrawled by my hubby. It's more than likely our Valentine outing bumped up a few nights. And, that's just fine by me. I mean, really, how many guys actually make plans and/or reservations before the month of February actually arrives? Perfect for the weekend, when I don't have to worry about a babysitter's hours. That takes planning, and some sort of memory or reminder on the computer anyway. May be the many times I complained that we did nothing that night, that has been etched into his brain?

I mean, really our anniversary often goes by unnoticed until a few days later, but Valentine's Day is kinda hard not to notice. What, with all the red hearts and cupids and stuff eminating from the malls. You'd have to be blind. These companies put away the Christmas stuff and just replace it with Valentine hearts and chocolates. What do you mean we can't have a few days rest between celebrations? Gosh! This is the time of year that I always dreaded in school. Those days that you would just hide your head and feel all the stupid valentines, singing gorilla-grams, or just general stupidity wash past you. At least until you had a SO, but those days were few and far between. Sue me, I just couldn't find a decent guy until much later.

What will be doing on the actual Valentine's Day? Probably nothing. Probably just sitting around, putting the kids to bed, maybe watching a movie/tv show and trying not to fall asleep. I know, such party animals. That's what the weekend is for.
