Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Die-Cutting, Movies and Spice-y books!

Please take me out - and I mean out of the house - to somewhere where it is child-free. I'm missing my Wednesday scrapbooking nights. I'll be getting them back after one more Wednesday. Yes, I work at a scrapbook store, but I don't get to do it very often. I'm usually working on material for other people. Lordy, who would have known that the die-cutting machine that the store got would be so popular. Monday I spent in the store basement working on die-cuts. 8 hours in total - and I wasn't even finished!!! This is nuts.

But seriously, I need to get some time to get out. Preferably with my hubby also, but that would mean finding a baby-sitter who would take 2 kids along. Hmmm... I love my sister! >:)

So, Kris, when was Pirates 2 coming out again?? July 7th. Can I wait that long??? Gotta get out. I wonder if anyone out there has been to that bar Kris? Any news? I wonder about ta bar that caters to the 25+ age group. Most of us have kids - and are trying to relive our youth. I cringe what some men might be wearing - no, it's not the 80's anymore!

I must say, I've been reading an advance copy of Tease by Suzanne Forster. Gotta say that I love it! It's hot and steamy. I'm sure my husband loves them too... due to the after-effects of reading a few chapters. The guy gets to reap the rewards of my reading. But hey, it's not like I get anything out of it! :)

Well, that's enough for me right now. Gotta go and try to design Oreo Cookies for my die-cutter-crazy customer!



At Thursday, 22 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Heh. Excited, much??

It's a Friday -- do we dare attempt opening night, dude?? I'm totally game, but you know that!

And yes on the bar thing. As soon as it can be arranged!


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