Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Heaven help me

Yep, I'm working again. It's Friday and I've taken a two minute break to update my blog. Yes, the store is basically dead at the moment. But, I don't blame people for not coming in. It's beautiful, and it's Friday.

So, I'm working Friday, and Saturday. Just to make matters worse there's a festival tomorrow, literally outside the store's door! And I have to sit inside and watch (errr..and serve customers). DARN! It's a blues festival, so I wish, but oh well.

Then, after working for 2 days, I'm hosting my family for a BBQ on Sunday for dinner. Yes, if it's nice we will sit outside. But really, listening to my mother discuss how awful my backyard is, and how I should be working back there - that just isn't on my list of things to look forward to. I'm tempted to hand her the whipper-snipper if she says anything. That, or a pair of gloves and a rake. Hmm... maybe she can volunteer to babysit while I work on the backyard. Yeah, right. She already does 2-3 days a week! Argh!

But, it is my baby's 1st birthday - so it won't all be in vain.

Well, that's my 2 minutes. I'm hoping to squeeze a movie or something this weekend. I only hope!



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