Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Wasn't that a party....?

Be ready... are you ready..?? It's Kris' Birthday! Saturday night may be alright for fight'in, but I'd rather have a night on the town!!! Yep, that's right, I've decided to fill my already crazy weekend with yet another gathering to put together! Well, what are friends for? It's not all that bad, kids party for my son from 11-1pm, then dinner and party at 5:15. Thank the lord it won't all be happening at my house!

So, we are off to eat and play. I'm not expecting hoards of people, but at least a few. Plus, then we are off to party at the local pub. I'll embarass Kris just enough to annoy her, but not too much! Maybe we'll call upon that bartender at the Pub? Huh Kris?? Gotta find that girl a man, and I'll do my damdest to help out. After all... I did say that a relationship was going to show up in 2006, right? Well, gotta do my part.

Ciao for now


At Friday, 05 May, 2006, Blogger Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

aaah - So YOU are the mysterious & wonderful Rella I've heard so much about!

Wish I was gonna be at that party - give her a hug for me (I'd suggest spanking her, but Kris would probably like that too much). *wink*

Great to 'see' you - and thanks for stopping by my place. I should give you the damn book since nobody else has bothered to try coming up with a title - lol.


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