Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Yar, there be Pirates! And Coke.???

Okay, so what to write about? I've got a few things bumping along in this brain of mine, and a few of them ( I guess) are write-able.

First and formost, I can't wait until Sunday. Yes, that's right Kris - mark your calendar, we are heading to see "Pirates of the Carribean". Bring your droolcups girlfriends, because those pirates will be lookin' mighty fine. Okay, so I don't know about that guy with the "living" beard, but .. err... maybe there will be a few others - other than Orlando and Johnny.

Hmm... after seeing that VISA commercial more times than I can count, I wonder if there are any good looking pirates. Or are they all "slimy/cute". You know, in a clean-you-up-give-you-a-bath-and-scrub-off-the-crud kinda way.

topic #2 - Half full coke bottles. I'm currently the manager of a store, and often I have to clean up half-drunk bottles of coke that my boss has left behind. I'm sitting here, looking over, and see one that has been there for a few days. Brings to mind that urban myth that eventually coke will eat through anything. Hmm.. Gotta wonder. I wonder how long I'll have to look at that bottle, and if I plunk in an old rusty nail, if it will clean up?

I konw of only 1 good use for coke (besides drinking and using as a mix). Washing fake blackboards. At one point I googled how to clean up my blackboard in my kitchen because it just kept streaking and now completely getting clean. Wash it with cola. Yep, it worked... except now I see brown cola streaks. It's a little gross, and I try not to think about it, but you have to suffer to have a pretty blackboard.

That's it for me. I'm finished blabbing on. Have a good weekend!



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