Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ah... the single life... even if it's someone else's

Okay, so here I am again. Yes, back from the never-ending tasks at home and at work. I'm much better now. Crazy life got to me, and let me away from my pretty computer. Damn life!

Anyway, things are lookin' good for tonight. It's party time in the ol'town tonight! Off to supper, then drinks, then dancin' the night away at the local "over 25" club. I won't give out real place names, for fear of identification!

Anyway, thought that I would help Kris celebrate her "official" single status due to the divorce papers finally coming in. Yes, I plan on getting her severely toasted! And then, walk home to my place in the rain.(okay we may cab it!) Hey, what's a best friend to do? I have to live vicariously somehow! I'm no longer in that "single" category! So we gotta find her a hunk to dance with tonight. Even if he is from the boonies, tonight it doesn't matter! Thank goodness I'll have help from a friend from the "big city". She's joining us for drinks and dancin' tonight. Lets hope tha hunky single guys will appear tonight! Saturday should be a good night? huh?

And, yes, I have been shamelessly looking for a man for our friend Kris! Poor girl. But then again, we all fall back into the old habits - even if they started in highschool. And dag-nabbit, we will find her a man! If it kills me.... which it just might if she doesn't make a move on Mr. Wednesday Morning at the gym. I tell ya...

Anyway, I have nothing exciting to report. Let's hope that tomorrow is a better day - albeit a hungover one... I'm sure.

So, this is the question... how do you meet people? I mean, this girl is nearly a hermit at home, and doesn't get out except to go to the gym, and run errands. Where should I send her next? Does taking the proverbial "class" usually result in something. Hey some of you are writers, where to send her next? Plus, get her to say hello... argh.. that's the next step.

Ciao for now...

Kris, you can now start your commenting, and try to convince everyone that the above commentary is not true...... :)


At Sunday, 20 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it just might if she doesn't make a move on Mr. Wednesday Morning at the gym


I WILL be making a move, and you know precisely when it will be. So there. Just keep your fingers crossed that I don't get shot down. *snort*

And I think I'll take offense at the 'hermit' bit. I get out... just not to where the hunks are, apparently. I'd like to think that I'm not *that* big of a geeky nerd, chica! Jeez Louise! ;)


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