Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Boxing lessons learned

I swear, I'm hooked. No pun intended.

I went out boxing again last night. I loved it! I know that Kris has mentioned before that we went boxing, but this time it was even better. Oh, maybe it was a little more intellectual - if you call boxing intellectual, but I learned a lot more of the "why's" of boxing then last time.

I know a few more things...
1. As a right-handed person, I don't want to fight someone who is a lefty. That inside dodge and jab will KO you!
2. I don't want to fight a tall person. God, my shoulders are sore and the other girl was my height! I can't imagine the other team!
3. Punching "the pads" is an awesome feeling - especially when you get the right sound.
4. Getting a congratulatory glove-bump from someone when you get the right "sound", is awesome.
5. I can impress myself with how hard I hit.

I've always talked a mean streak. I mean nobody would actually come near me when we talked of "taking it outside". Girls usually don't fight unless they *know* they can take you. So, really, as I found, as long as you can talk a good talk, you don't have to back it up! Now, I can back it up!

Now it's just a matter of protecting my face. For, so long as you keep your gloves up, you are doing well. But, eventually you have to follow-through with a punch. And, that can spell disaster if the other person is faster.

Oh, and did I mention that it was our wedding anniversary yesterday? Yep, 7 years done, another 60 or 70 to go! And, hell, where is that 7 year itch? I've been getting itchy, yeah, but it had nothing to do with any other man... (and no, not crabs - get your mind out of the gutter!).

Seriously, sex can get better with age. Hey, when you got a hubby who listens to CBC, and gets distracted listening to "sex gets better with age" panel, I think you are on to a good thing. I'm just glad that he didn't get distracted and drive all the way to the "city".

Ciao for now, and smooches to my guy...


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