Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Damn, I'm determined!

How do you spell COMMITTED? (I hope that's right :) )

My watch died last night before bed. Not a bad issue in itself, other than it's my alarm for my 5:30 wake up in order to get to the gym at 6:00. AND it's my calorie counter when I've strapped on the Polar strap-y thing-y. So, there goes 2 strikes.

No worries. My husband set his watch, and would wake me. I woke by myself, and got ready to head out. I go to the car, started it... and it won't go into reverse. (It's a standard transmission) Everything else works, sure, but I NEED reverse to get out of my driveway. So, determined to go to the gym. I push it out of the driveway. No problem - except for that little dip at the end of the driveway that I can't get over!


So, I want to get going, and I get my hubby involved. He helps me get it onto the street, and I take off to the gym. I may be 8 or so minutes late, but at least I was there!

"Good morning!" "No, not really" I say to everyone. So, I focused my "pissed-off-ed-ness" into working out. I probably worked pretty hard.

But I wouldn't know.

My watch was broken!


That's my day.

It only gets better. My car is in the shop. It will be there for 3 days or so as they tear apart the transmission. But thank goodness for the Extended Warrantee. They will pay for the fix. They will also pay for my rental. Hallelujah!

So, at least it was interesting - but I got actually nothing done. But I HAVE to get myself a new watch battery!! :)



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