Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Madly Dashing before the weekend

It's a MAD DASH! Pick up the place before mother-in-law shows up. I know that she will drop by to see the kids. I mean, really... she won't make an appearance without stopping in, and she never comments on the condition of my home, but I have to pick up (more than usual) around here.

You just know that you've taken on too much for the week, when you can't seem to find the time to even EAT! Noon seems to fly by, and the only notice I take is when my stomach growls! Argh! Something to do every night, and now to find the time to clean.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we go crazy over someone else, but when it comes to ourselves we don't pick up. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to be considered a guest in your own home? ARgh. I have to find that flylady stuff again, and get started.

Oh well. Hope things are going better where you are.


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