Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

School - Yay, but oh no.

Heaven help me. I'll be putting my eldest in school tomorrow. Junior Kindergarten.

And here it starts - the school events, the good things - pizza day, colouring at school, learning cool stuff, bringing home things to put on the fridge, good friends by the classfull!

But, my heart goes out for those days that will hurt him. Days that I so remember. Teasing by bullies, forgotten permission slips, friends that say mean things, falling during recess and just holding it in, hoping that nobody will notice.

Lord, I hope he grows up to be a good kid. I hope he's neither the bully nor the bullied. I hope he's at the top of his class - but not the pet. I hope he's good at sports, and doesn't get picked last. I hope that he isn't like me sometimes, but like me at other times.

I remember school fondly, but really it was the university/college days that were the best. My final years I finally figured out stuff about myself. I found friends that I "fit in" with. I found things that I excelled at. And, I figured out that guys are just guys - not the end all and be all of the world. I figured out that I can still be me, without one. There will be another guy, but that didn't mean I didn't have fun with who I was with.

God, September is such a beginning, and an end.



At Monday, 11 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And she says she's no writer!

You goober, this post was lovely and summed up everything that I think every parent feels -- including me.

You're right -- it IS the beginning AND the end -- and all we can do is do the best we possibly can. It's all anybody can ask.

Thanks for making me *almost* start crying -- ya big boob!

How'd the departure go this morning?


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