Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Of Friends and family

Yes, I'm back. The house is in some sort of order after a mad day of cleaning. Then it was off to work and a BBQ with our little family, Kris & offspring, some good friends down the street, and a bunch of friends from out of town. It was a great night! We laughed and chatted until about 9:30 when some of our friends had to head out back out on the road to travel back home (5 hours away).

Wow, things I have learned this week.

1. Music easily brings me back to earlier days. Was listening to Nine Inch Nails while cleaning, and I love them! Plus, reminds me how much I miss dancing the night away with or without alcohol.

2. Some people are just crazy busy, and I'm glad I'm not. I'm glad that I have time for the spontaneous moments in life. I'm glad that yes, I could drop everything for friends and attend a BBQ. I've put family first, but that doesn't mean that my kids can't go where I go.

3. I'm glad that I've found my SO in life, and really feel for those going through life looking for someone. (No Kris, this does not mean you). If you keep yourself so busy, does that mean you are just living your life, and hoping someone will jump into it, or are you running away from something?

4. Anticipation is the best thing in the world, given the right time and place. It can either tie your stomach in knots, or float you through your day. BUT, anticipation is not a good thing if it is a dreaded event. :)

Okay, that's enough blabbering from me. I'm working today, and off tonight to dinner with the extended family, with kids in tow. Should be fun... argh!



At Saturday, 23 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooo. Like your dig of #3. Think the person you're talking about will figure that out??

And yes, I know it's not ME. *G*

Call me when you're home and settled, yes?

At Saturday, 23 September, 2006, Blogger Rella said...

Well #3 could mean a lot of people I know!! As well as the people I chat with at work. I've got a few friends training for marathons, and they don't even look up to see what's going on in their lives. I just wonder what priority a SO has in the grand scheme of things. As you can well imagine, it was important for me, which is why I would still be playing the field if I had to. Albeit begrudgeingly.


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