Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


So, yet another day of driving the monster truck, and please don't tell anyone.... I think I like it. I mean, I wouldn't drive this thing on a regular basis, but I tell ya... it's POWERFUL. Or, at least it feels that way. It makes me want to CRUSH little cars under my LARGE wheels. Muah-ha-ha-ha!

I totally can understand why some guys want a big truck. No, not a big truck... a BIG TRUCK! I'm sitting higher up than most vehicles, and feel like I could get out of my truck, and just walk on them. The kids like it too. From their vantage point, they can actually SEE out of the windows.

Road rage in this thing, would be a BAD thing!!! I was looking at the Alero (similar to what I currently drive) in front of me at the lights... thinking... "You better move buddy, or I might just drive OVER you!". I don't even want to think what a SMART car looks like next to this MONSTER!

Other than that, I went and saw an ENT today, and things are looking okay in my throat. (Yes Doug, I was thinking of you while I was there....) She scoped my nose and throat, and I so totally remember you doing the discussion on what it all looks like.

She thought it was maybe a dry spot in the salivary glands, or something like that... nothing major. She Rx'ed some lubricant for my dry nose and throat. All in all, no problems, especially since my symptoms are all gone now. But, after waiting 2 months to see her, I wasn't about to give up my spot!!

Now, I'm off to pick up the kids, and possibly do some cleaning up before the mother-in-law shows up tomorrow.

Hello to Sierra - if you happen to be out there lurking. You guys... never... post!!! Right jmr, right Kris? Bah!



At Thursday, 28 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never post? Never post?!?!

Jeez Louise, woman. What more do you want from me??

*sigh* The things I do for you... ;)

At Thursday, 28 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kris, she meant me. Please excuse me while I go back to my lurking...






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