Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A bad night, remedied by shopping?

Man, did I have a crappy night last night. I was supposed to go out to my regular Wednesday night activity - but it was canceled. So, I did a favour for my sister instead, and brought my niece to the Y for swimming. That, was actually the good part. I got some sketching done for a few projects, and listened to my music. But, then it turned.

I got home later, and I was just inundated with kids. I guess my psyche was just on overload, after expecting a night of peace and quiet. You know, out with the girls, get some stuff done... then home just in time for the kids to hit the bed.

But no, it was crazy-ness and screaming all night long. I tried to sit down at the computer, and I just couldn't get a moment to myself. So, I may have taken it out on hubby... and Kris. Sorry girl.

But, there is a light on the horizon. I'm going out on Friday night (instead of my usual Wednesday night out) to meet some girls and work on a project. Then, it's out with Kris on Saturday night. My hubby is being really good to me, and watching the kids. I just need some me time, and woman time.

You know, time to figure that I'm still a girl, despite my current in-between state of big clothes, and smaller clothes... Maybe to make myself feel more like I'm progressing in the weight loss department, I'll buy some new sexy underwear. Hmmm.. always a thought. That, and maybe some jeans that don't feel 3 sizes too big, and 1 size too short!

Well, that's it for me. Nothing exciting to post otherwise. Yep. That's it. Boring life huh?



At Thursday, 19 October, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sexy underwear fixes many of life's problems. I promise you. :D

I still think you should play up that cleavage, woman. You got 'em, use em! Be bold! Be daring! It could be very fun!


Kris, the bad influence.


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