Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yes, today I am rambling.... rambling philosophical.

I was thinking as I was driving into work this morning. (Yes, sometimes this is a bad thing, but stick with me here...) I often wonder where things came from. I looked over and saw an attractive guy standing at a crowded bus stop. I can totally understand why buses came along. I mean, some guy was driving his carriage to work, and someone else lived next door, and wanted a ride. And a few more, and so on, and so on.

So, taking that (albeit simplistic) view on life. I then wondered if civilization would start again, completely blank slate... what would show up again? I mean, the basics in life here. A market. A school/schoolhouse. A judge? I wonder. How many things just wouldn't come to pass if things were to start again.

How many things have happened in my life, that had they been different - I would have been different? I'm currently reading M.J. Rose's "Lying in Bed". In the beginning one of her characters has an ephiphany. He realizes that he loves the heroine. Loves who she is. And understands that who she is, is a direct result of her past - and thus, a direct result of her experiences, her fears, her loves.... and thus, her lovers. He understands that to love this woman, he can't hate those that came before him. He has to love them as well. (Well, I wouldn't have gone that far, but I get it.)

So, think about it. If you hadn't met that SO in highschool, would you have done the things you did, and ended up where you did? I know that had I not met a few people in my life, I would not have met my husband. Or would I have? There have been so many times that we really, should have met... but never did. Was that fate, playing a game? Were those lost opportunities? If I met him back then, would I have "hooked up" with him, or would I have dated and then dumped him?

I, for one, am glad of the way life has worked out so far. No MAJOR regreets. But, what would have happened, if I did it all differently.

Guess that's why writers are so fascinated with "other worlds" or parallel universes. Hmmm...

Sometimes I wish I were a writer.



At Thursday, 12 October, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My life would have turned out a lot different, I know that. I would have gone to the same college, and I probably would have met my wife-to-be, but would she and I have clicked as well? I'm not sure.


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