Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The biggest responsibility

Wow, I just finished reading Doug's blog, and it has really changed my mind as to what to discuss today. I was going to discuss the good news that I have - well, I can't say good news, but ok news. A local bar that we've been waiting to open, will open it's doors this weekend. Friday, Saturday, who knows? But, at least it's a start. The reason that it's a good thing, is that it's a local hangout where the younger (but not too young) crowd have been known to hangout after work. So, that means, things are looking up for this weekend.

But, back to Doug's blog on saving lives... wow.. what a change of pace. I posted this on his comment section:

So, I can’t totally understand, but I can empathize. Who wants responsibility for another’s life. When I first held my son in my arms, I cried. I cried because it was *my* son, I cried because he was healthy, and I cried because I had to watch over him, keep him safe, and ultimately be responsible for him (at least for the next 18 years or so). I mean, who gets blamed for it all, psychologically or otherwise but the mother.

So, maybe I can understand not wanting to put or phrase it that way. That by saving their life, possibly, you are then responsible for the losses as well.

But, despite not wanting the responsibility it’s there. You’re a doc. I’m a mom. We are responsible, because we stepped up to the plate. It’s like not wanting to become a parent, but flubbing through it the best you can.

That’s how I see it. Take the good, with the bad. But, hope for the best, and do your best to bring out that outcome.

In the end, it’s all you can do.


This hits home to me today. I received word (finally) that another couple - friends of ours - are expecting a baby. It really brings me back to the fact that when you have a kid, life DRAMATICALLY changes. I mean, for the better, but really, you are responsible for them. For it all. Good, bad, and ugly. And, it does get ugly. (I'm just going through the good stuff - age 1-4, now here comes the back-talk.)

I think of a friend of mine who's got a little girl. She's single, and poor woman can't even get out of her house without that little one in tow. To leave that child in the care of someone else is the hardest thing to do. How does one go about trying to find another partner, or even someone to hang out with - without putting your heart on the line, both at home, and then when you are out? Girlie, I totally admire you, don't think that I could do it alone (and, I do know you are reading this). Responsibility sometimes totally outweighs what you want to do in life. It's hard, but totally worth it. You could cut yourself off, and say "forget it". But, she doesn't. She puts herself out there, and tries. I know you are just starting this, but I know you girl.

Well, that's enough rambling for me. I don't want to think too hard about those kids, and where they are, while I type this out at work. (shhhhh, don't tell the boss). Thank goodness they have a grandma that babysits!

Have a good day everyone.


At Wednesday, 18 October, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the biggest problem about trying to make a change and do something for oneself?

When the freakin' universe just doesn't seem to want to co-operate with you!

When you put yourself out there (at least a little, anyway), take risks, make first moves... and nada.

It really does make a girl want to seek out the nearest nunnery...

(But thanks for all those nice thoughts, hon!)]

ps. My word verification? sefxmsuh. Is it just me, or does that sound kinky??


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