Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Dancing... in my chair if nowhere else!

I sitting here, on a Saturday night, at home (yes, this sounds bad already)... I'm listening to a few mp3's... and just loving it. I've really come to the realization that some dj's and remix artists, are exactly that - artists. Who would mix eminem and queen together, and come up with something just totally cool?

Last night Kris and I went to the bar after playing some pool. I was just in the mood to dance. But no, the music just didn't cut it, and the bar was, well... DEAD. I mean, if a bar says that they have an over 25 crowd... what the heck are 19 year olds doing, trying to get in there? Plus, why were there only 45 year olds there?

Argh! It's just frustrating. But... it will get better, just bad luck I guess.

So, tonight, I'm sitting here.. listening to my music, enjoying mixes and remixes.

And sending good wishes to my boxing instructor as he does some UFC-style fighting in Gatineau, Quebec. Good luck Dan!

Hope you have a good weekend


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