Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Going, Going... gone!

Man, who knew that I was THAT popular?

This weekend (and the past week), have been just crazy. I've been helping to organize a scrapbooking event - consisting of 180 women in 1 room, scrapbooking for 25 hours. Sounds crazy, huh? Well, it was. Don't want to bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that it was a blast. Yes, I was working, but I had fun chatting it up with some girls from Sault Ste. Marie. But, that's not the fun part.

The owner of the scrapbook store that was hosting, was auctioned for 200 dollars and change. Or, rather her services were. So, then the question came around, asking how much my services would be. The bidding started, fast and furious, and ended at $150. Well, I think that this sounds great. Yeah, I know, 6 hours for 150 bucks, doesn't sound like much, but it was rather flattering. I mean, I could have been sold for $30.00, and that would have been a little insulting even!!

I can sorta understand how these bachelors feel who are sold at auction (a little), when people are bidding for your time, and you really don't want one of them to win. The other bidders I didn't know, but the bunch of women that pitched in, were all... well... sorta friends - customers that are friendly.

It was fun, and I can't wait for the evening I'm spending with them. Yes, it will be work. Yes, I won't get paid. And, yes, it will be an afternoon and part of an evening killed - but at least it will be with women that are fun, and interesting!

Okay, I've got nothing else in me tonight. Kris was trying to tell me to make a kinky connection between the auction and auctioning men.. but, I don't have the brainpower anymore for the subtlty of it all. Maybe another night. But for now, I just have a smile on my face because someone wants to pay money to spend time with me. That, weather kinky or not, is a good thing!



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