Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's all about Attitude

I totally believe that in life, it's all about attitude. It's all about what kind of mood you put out, will reflect what you get back.

Today, for the 4th time (at least), I had to bring my car to the shop to get it fixed. And.. it's the same problem that keeps occurring - I can't put it into reverse! So, I called in, and brought it in today. I guess the guy behind the counter was ready to get reemed. But no, I'm super nice as a customer. I don't have to pay for it, since it's under warrantee and I don't need the car while I'm at work. So really, it's no biggee. I saw the sense of relief on the guy's face when I didn't ball him out, but told him that nahhh.. it's not worth getting pissed off over.

Same thing with people at work today. I told them the car is in the shop again, and they got hushed, and waited for me to start up my rant. But, I didn't. What's the point? I can't change it... it's broken. It's been given to the guys who can fix it. It's not worth killing my day over!

I wish more people would have this attitude. Not to get mad over the things you can't change. How much better would our life be? Complaining is good, yes... but really, if it's not going to matter one way or the other, relax!

I think maybe it's the same way with dating and stuff. No, I'm not single, but I hang out with Kris, and she is! So, if you put out the attitude that you are having fun, enjoying yourself, wouldn't you attract a different kind of person than if you were looking desperate and NOT having a good time? I mean, doesn't a man want someone that knows how to have fun... that goes with the flow?

I realized back in highschool that I could never catch the GORGEOUS guys. I'm just not that kind of looker. But, in university I talked - with anyone! I was chipper, and easy going. So, I ended up with a lot of male friends. I suppose looking back, I could have dated more of them (maybe), or at least taken a step in that direction.. but it wasn't me at the time.

I even had enough balls to take my chipper attitude and talk to a very attractive guy one night while home from college. Hey, it worked out. We dated. (Turned out he didn't know when people were flirting with him unless he talked to them). And yeah.. we're now happily married. So, I took the right attitude, and married up. I totally think that.

That's just me. Hopefully I run into less grumpy people today, and more happy ones. But, I guess that would happen anyway since it's Friday.

I'm looking forward to Saturday at the bar. I'll take that same attitude - have some fun, talk to a few people... and hopefully find Kris a catch. Let's hope.

Cupid... aka Rella


At Monday, 23 October, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In line at a hamburger joint, I once overheard a mom say to her son, "Don't sweat the small stuff. And at your age, it's all small stuff." I've heard that since, but that was my first time hearing it, and I loved it.

Of course, being a doctor, everything short of terminal illness seems like small stuff to me. Doesn't stop me from complaining, but I recognize how ridiculous I'm being when I do it.


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