Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

BIG NEWS... half full... half empty? Overfull!

Hmm. Sometimes things never cease to amaze me. Say you have good news. REALLY. Good. News.! Some people just see the glass as half empty, but then there are your friends, who see the glass half-full, and ready to be overfilled! Thank goodness for friends.

My husband and I were talking this weekend. Talking about how life is getting easier now that monkeychild #2 is getting older. No sooner did I say that, that I wondered... hmm.. what's the date? How many.... ??? Err... Wait.... How many days since.... crap... 24, 25, 26... 29, 30... 32, 33. Oh, honey... Do you recall how life is getting easier? How about we go back to square one?

Quickly get the pregnancy tests from the store. Say f*!k it, and take the test in the middle of the day despite the suggestion to do it first thing in the morning (leave test #2 for tomorrow).

You know there are those women that have to squint to see, and wonder if that little line is a plus or a minus. Yeah. Well. That wasn't me. It was a big "+" 30 seconds in. Hugely positive!

So, doctor's appt. is made for Friday to get the "official, official" results. But, I'll take the pregnancy tests as proof positive.

So, there you have it. Baby #3 on the way. Lord, what were we thinking? Oh well. No use wondering what happened... we know what happened. And obviously, someone up there thinks this is funny, cuz we are laughing at it too. Can't cry, no point. This child was meant to be, so we might as well get used to it.

Yep. 3 kids. Forget the funky mini-SUV type vehicle. We're heading straight for the minivan as soon as this lease is up (March).

Yep, this is going to be fun. 3 kids.. 2 hands... I need another arm.



At Tuesday, 06 February, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee! I think this is mucho fantastico, dude. Actually, I was surprised to see your Blog entry. But I guess your family doesn't read your blog, so it doesn't matter if you've posted it here.

I will live vicariously through you on this one, okay? :)

At Tuesday, 13 February, 2007, Blogger dean said...

Sincere congratulations.

I sometimes try to talk the sxKitten into another child, but she just laughs at me. I've been fixed you see.


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