Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Army Brat ?

I've gone and done it... joined Boot Camp. Okay, so it's not the army, but a women's Boot Camp at the YMCA for 2 weeks to kick ourselves in the butt, and get working out. Today was day 1, and well, it's really a bunch of morning classes which you've signed up for. There was somewhere around 15 people signed up. Not bad, considering the regular 6:00AM classes only have 3-5 people in them.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that it's at 6:00AM? Not too bad, considering that I usually get up at that time anyway to head to the Y. Now I just have a doubly good reason to do so. So far so good. Tomorrow I work out with my Trainer, and then I'll attend day 3 of the boot camp... I can't wait for the boxing! But that's not until next Wednesday, with Mr. Hot Kickbox instructor. I miss my Saturday morning kickboxing, but it'll start up again in the fall.

Well, that's my update on life. Kris and I went to the bar on Friday night. Despite a second bar-dancing scene to get a coveted key, I didn't win the car. But, did enjoy chatting with a few people at the bar. Kris, we are gonna make you a "go get 'em" girl sooner or later!

Ciao for now. Catch you all later.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm tired...

I'm dead tired.


After a long-weekend with kids and driving 4+ hours to a family reunion... I'm beat. Then, to top it all off, we decided to take a little 2 hour venture to visit more family. Oh yay. And we returned yesterday. But I'm still beat.

Now, to top it all off I've finally finished a die-cut for a customer. It was Alexander Keith's... :) I smile only because the .jpg on the net was wayyyy to pixleated (sp?) for my liking, so I had to suffer. I bought myself (ok, ... us) a 6-pack. I dutifully cut out the side of the box, and promptly scanned it and did the die-cut. Freakin' dear... was the most annoying thing to "trace". Thank goodness this is a one-time thing. I won't be advertising this one... It's a pain in the but to make, and I'm worried it will be the same issue when I cut it. Oh well. It'll take some time, but it'll be worth it to get it over-with!

And what am I doing now? Well, it's 11:30, and I have no idea why I'm still awake. Spent some time with Kris tonight while the kids played. I missed ya bud... mostly the girl-talk part. Gotta get out... gotta do something.

I'm looking forward to Friday. Let's hope that I get a key that fits that darn van. Even if it's an oldie... at least it will be extra cash.. maybe :)

Well, that's my contribution for today. Gotta go and get some rest. I have a tonne of work to do tomorrow, so I probably won't be getting up at the crack of dawn to work out. Durn shuks.... My body is already feeling "good sore" from the workout I got today. Thank God for Personal Trainers... now if I could only get my body to comply and LOSE SOME INCHES! Heaven help me.. I gotta do more meal planning.. like I don't do enough! Even my step mother is on Jenny Craig... I refuse to go there... I can do the food thing myslef. I gotta ... can't afford to make 2 or 3 different meals each time we sit down to dinner!

Okay, eally I gotta go.
Night for now


Friday, July 07, 2006

Yar, there be Pirates! And Coke.???

Okay, so what to write about? I've got a few things bumping along in this brain of mine, and a few of them ( I guess) are write-able.

First and formost, I can't wait until Sunday. Yes, that's right Kris - mark your calendar, we are heading to see "Pirates of the Carribean". Bring your droolcups girlfriends, because those pirates will be lookin' mighty fine. Okay, so I don't know about that guy with the "living" beard, but .. err... maybe there will be a few others - other than Orlando and Johnny.

Hmm... after seeing that VISA commercial more times than I can count, I wonder if there are any good looking pirates. Or are they all "slimy/cute". You know, in a clean-you-up-give-you-a-bath-and-scrub-off-the-crud kinda way.

topic #2 - Half full coke bottles. I'm currently the manager of a store, and often I have to clean up half-drunk bottles of coke that my boss has left behind. I'm sitting here, looking over, and see one that has been there for a few days. Brings to mind that urban myth that eventually coke will eat through anything. Hmm.. Gotta wonder. I wonder how long I'll have to look at that bottle, and if I plunk in an old rusty nail, if it will clean up?

I konw of only 1 good use for coke (besides drinking and using as a mix). Washing fake blackboards. At one point I googled how to clean up my blackboard in my kitchen because it just kept streaking and now completely getting clean. Wash it with cola. Yep, it worked... except now I see brown cola streaks. It's a little gross, and I try not to think about it, but you have to suffer to have a pretty blackboard.

That's it for me. I'm finished blabbing on. Have a good weekend!


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Men, Women, friends and sex

Okay, so I'm doing a bit of postulating here. Kris and I were reminiscing about highschool and old friends when it hit me. A comment that I heard, that I never really believed, and still wonder if it's true.

So, for you men out there.. (hello, out there..*wave wave* yeah, you) do you think that the following is true:

"A man can never have a friendship with a woman without, at some point, tossing around the idea of sleeping with her."

So, what do you think? At the time when I heard this I thought - EWW!! no way... But now many years later I wonder. Did all those male friends consider the option of sleeping with me at some point? Did they get the idea then toss it out the window - or like my friend secretly hope for something more.

And how is it with women? Well, for me.... if there isn't the initial chemistry forget sleeping with him. (Did that once, and really didn't work out) I have to have that initial bell ringing in my head before I consider a roll in the hay.

But, really for this married woman, it's all a moot point now anyway... :) 'specially the hay. Too itchy!

Happy Canada Day! you canucks!
