Things that make you go - WTF?
First, let me say - sorry (if indeed there is anyone reading this). I have been more than dismissive of my duties to blog. But, well, life happens.
I really felt the need to get this off my chest today... I mean, it's been bugging me all morning, and I can't seem to shake it.
I got cc'ed on an e-mail from my sister-in-law yesterday (went initially to my hubby). She was inviting us to a Thanksgiving dinner (yep, 5 months in advance!) in October! She was making plans early - and wanted to make sure that everyone got the message. To me, Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks (duh), and it's a time for family. So, she is inviting us, without kids! Ummm.. did I mention about the family part? She wanted to have a sit-down meal, and having the kids (7 adults, with 8 kids), was just out of the question. Huh...
So, hubby sends back an e-mail, reminding her that baby #3 is due about 5 days prior to her dinner, and in the list of options, he said that either we wouldn't be coming, or if we did, could it be with the baby? We are not about to leave a 4 day old child with sitters for a few hours. I just won't do it! (Hell, I'll be breastfeeding if nothing else).
Do you know what she said??? Sorry you can't make it. Just like that.
She knocked us out of the whole thing because she didn't want a baby there.
Hubby is considering having the kids over at our home that night so they can get together. How are our kids supposed to know their family, when family functions are without kids? I tell ya, his grandmother would be having a fit if she were still alive!
Since when did having family gatherings exclude children? Since when did having kids become a burden? Since when have kids become an accessory, to dump whenever you have the chance. My thinking is that when you've got kids, your family is the whole package deal. You want us over, that's ALL of us!
Oy, I just can't believe what she's said. She is very self-absorbed. Excluding us... for having kids. Love it.
Piss on her.
Labels: disfunction, family, kids