Oh what the hell....????
Okay, how in the hell could this have snuck up on me? My birthday is on Saturday. What the heck is going on in this world that time passes so quickly? Wasn't I just 19 a few short years ago. (okay, so it wasn't that short a time ago!) Explain to me how time has passed and now I'm over 30? And, to beat that, I heard my mother's words coming out of my own mouth the other day. Please Lord, say it isn't so.
I keep thinking that I will wake up, and be in University again. I dream it constantly, can't it all be true?
Well, having said that, I've taken the plunge. I'm booked to see a personal trainer on Wednesday at 1:00 pm. This means that I have to get the gym membership and get my act in gear. I've tried to workout at home- but I just can't. Too many things are pulling at me, and I just need some me time.
So, when do you think this me time will be - with 2 ankle-biters constantly needing my attention. How about 6:00 AM! I think that I may be nuts, but if I'm going to do this, then that is the time I have to be at the gym and working out. Lets see what the trainer says on Wednesday, but I hope that he will put me through my paces! I gotta get this excess due to excess-es off of me!
Wish me luck.