Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Oh what the hell....????

Okay, how in the hell could this have snuck up on me? My birthday is on Saturday. What the heck is going on in this world that time passes so quickly? Wasn't I just 19 a few short years ago. (okay, so it wasn't that short a time ago!) Explain to me how time has passed and now I'm over 30? And, to beat that, I heard my mother's words coming out of my own mouth the other day. Please Lord, say it isn't so.

I keep thinking that I will wake up, and be in University again. I dream it constantly, can't it all be true?

Well, having said that, I've taken the plunge. I'm booked to see a personal trainer on Wednesday at 1:00 pm. This means that I have to get the gym membership and get my act in gear. I've tried to workout at home- but I just can't. Too many things are pulling at me, and I just need some me time.

So, when do you think this me time will be - with 2 ankle-biters constantly needing my attention. How about 6:00 AM! I think that I may be nuts, but if I'm going to do this, then that is the time I have to be at the gym and working out. Lets see what the trainer says on Wednesday, but I hope that he will put me through my paces! I gotta get this excess due to excess-es off of me!

Wish me luck.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Excercises = Aphrodisiac ?

Okay, so let's just put that question out there...

Is excercise an aphrodisiac?

I mean, is it possible to get, well not "off" on excercise, but such a good high that you want sex even more? If so, I think I might have found a new reason to work out more. After coming home from Squash the other day, I found myself home... alone. Easy enough to fix. Call the hubby, tell him to come home for "lunch", and life is wonderful. And I do mean wonderful! My smile must have been a mile wide for the rest of the day!

So, anyone out there, post a note. Is sex an aphrodisiac?

If I knew about this sooner, I think I would have been working out more!

Well, I'm off to get some more work done. Yep, doing research... tough job - easily distracted... bad idea! Maybe I'll lift some weights next! :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's so hard being me...

Why does life have to be so hard? Why in the world does the world punish you for wanting to work? Hmm, I've just been worrying over my kid going to JK in the fall, and how the heck I'm going to get a family member there for him when he gets off the bus. I remember so fondly coming home, and 99.9% of the time my mom was there to greet me when I came in the door. It was a time to talk to her, to tell her how crazy my day was, or just to get a snack that wasn't going to ruin my appetite. It was sooooooo nice. Well, now I want that for my kid too. But, why do jobs have to be 9-5. Sure, mine is 10-5, but that doesn't help me with a 3:00 deadline! Argh! And my better half probably can't get home early to get the kid off the school bus either! ARgh, what's a girl to do. Don't even get me started on the after-school programs they have. Just doesn't work.

Then, there is my better half who doesn't want to get a better paying job so I can stay at home. What is with that? I'm at a total loss. I don't know what to say. What's a girl to do.

Well, on another note, I had a good dream the other night. Single women always ask me (why me???) if I fantasize about other people still? Hell yes, that's what dreams are for! Go through it in your sleep, so you won't do it in the day. There are a select few who join me in dreamland, but they are there. When I tell my hubby - I always say it's him (why make the man paranoid), but it's good to dream. Just the other night I had an amazing dream about Josh from LOST. What is it about the bad boys that we like? Do we think we can change them, or secretly do we want them to sweep us away from the house, 2 kids and spouse? Well, either way it was
definately dreamy(ha ha). But, alas, it was a very nice conversation, and time together we had, no steamy sex... but that's okay too.

Ah, distraction.

Anyway, I'm off to clean up this pig-sty in preparation for a friend coming over and partying the night away on Thursday. Don't worry K, I'm not cleaning just for you!

Ciao for now you bloggers. Please, drop me a note so I know someone is out there!


Monday, February 20, 2006

Happy mornings and a gym...

I love the mornings. No, I'm not a morning person, but a person today who is in a good mood. I guess going for a walk in the morning will do that to you. Oh, and so will sex. So, I guess this morning I had good reason to be happy - a 2 for 1!

Okay, so I won't blather on about those topics (although some of you might want me to). Instead, I'm seriously considering the workout at home/join a gym option. It's a hard decision - not to mention the outlay of cash. That's a workout on my wallet that I don't necessarily want to start up. But, how much can you, REALLY work out at home? Can you rely on those home gym equipment paraphanelia to get you going, and working up a sweat? I mean, come on, home many of us have those excercise videos hidden in our movie collection? How many have a set of weights hidden in the back of the closet? WEll, I did the unspeakable today, and picked up one of those said excercise videos. Will I get with it? I certainly hope so!

The other option is to join a gym. And with 2 kids not yet in school it's hard to get my but over there! I was seriously considering joining, and starting with those 6:30 AM classes. Am I nuts?

No, just happy... too happy... my world is all smiles thise morning, and I can't seem to wipe the grin off my face. Reality will hit one morning as I'm getting my ass out the door, and I won't want to go - especially if I have to walk there (the joys of a 1 car family). So, what's a girl to do to lose weight? Gym or home workout plan....

Must ponder... Okay, I'll think about it later, after my mind wanders a bit.


Monday, February 13, 2006

Boxing, boxes and kids

Okay, I'm calm. The feeling of dread has passed. I can do this. Life is calmer, as am I. I have conferred with the gods and decided to attempt a few "god-awful" VHS excercise tapes. I'm dreading it a little, but it shouldn't be too bad - I hope.

I've already tried Tae-Bo (sp?). I told my 4.5 year old son that we would be doing boxing. After all the stretching, the punches began. Shortly thereafter, my son asked me "when does the boxing start".
"This is it, he's boxing and punching."
"Noooo, I don't wanna do this, this is boring."
"What did you think that boxing was?"
"Well, you do boxing with boxes, right?"

Ahh, to be a kid again... and have a great time with boxes instead of their contents! I just can't even bear to let my SO break down the very cool shipping tube that brought his 6' staff to our home. My son loves it!

Oh well. I'm not a kid. I like the boxes - but more often, I like the contents.... especially if they have chocolate inside them. The good stuff!

Gotta go.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Angry rambling- I want it all!

Why the hell is it that when you decide that you want something, you really want something, that someone else has to come along and knock you down. I've made a big decision in my life. Kids - done, married - good guy, happy - yes, happy about myself - sort of, so let's work on that. I'm not unlike the many people out there- over what 50% of the North American continent is overweight - so I'm not alone. But my husband isn't. He has a problem keeping the weight on. His but shrunk after Christmas when he got back to work - can you believe that - it shrunk back to what it was pre-Christmas! You know, I think that I found those pounds.

Now, I want to make a decision before I go back to work, and work on my own body. I want to do more than maintain. I want to push it - I want to see some pounds drop! I have the time. I won't come June. I'm going back to work, I have a house to run - then I can do the maintenance. But my husband, just keeps saying that I should do this with baby-steps. Why does he have to make so much sense? Am I'm just pissed because I can't have my way? Probably! But, I want my body back! Okay, I want more than my body back, I want to be sexy again. I have the confidence in me, I walk like I have a million bucks - now I want to look like it. I want people to say - wow, you look great! I want to go into stores and buy from the regular racks, not the plus sizes. It's about time. And all I have to do is push it. But, my husband says - cool it, take it slow. Make it part of your life, not just going crazy. Okay, so will he then take care of the house when I go back to work and take off to go to the gym? Will he do everything that I need to have done around here so I can just take off? NO, I want it all....

... but like usual... I can't have it.

Depressing huh? Well, that's life. That's my life.



I Blog...

.. okay, let's everyone conjugate. I Blog, You Blog, He Blogs, She Blogs. So, what then?
You start a new blog and hope the world will read?
No, too much pressure.

You hope that nobody will read it.
No, to depressing.

You hope that a few people will read it and come back periodically to see what you have rambled about?
Okay, I'll take it.

Too bad that I can't wave my magic wand and have people just show up. Well, I guess that's not possible, or I would have waved that wand about 40 pounds ago! That's another story altogether.

I guess I will just ramble as often as I can, and get out frustrations and the like, when I can.

That's me. Just your regular possessed homebody - sleep-deprived, annoyed, angry (sometimes) homebody.. with 2 kids, freelance work, and a need to talk to other adults on some sort of human level. (I'm tired of baby talk at this point.)

So, I'll be back. That's a promise, not a threat.
