Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Movie writers - take note!

The weekend was nothing to get crazy about, but there were 2 or 3 nice little surprises. After dealing with 16 (yep, count 'em 16!) crazed and screaming 8year old girls I decided to head to the second run theatre with Kris for a good 'ol chick flik.

Holiday was good, but it really could have been better. I mean, Jack Black as a romantic interest? I was willng to see what happened... to forgo the visions in my head of him dancing around in underwear and tights, a la Natcho Libre. But, good lord writers, WRITE! I think someone got too excited about having a comedian actually playing the part, that they forgot to write any romantic-type dialogue or scenes for the poor man. Cameron Diaz and Jude Law are not hard to imagine as love-interests, but Jack Black needs a little extra. Come on!! Even the guys who are jokers don't joke every minute (well, unless they are under 20, and even then it's anyone's guess). I would really like to see a writer take this up. Take Jack out of the realm of comedian and see what he could do with a the romantic part of a romantic comedy. Hell, if Jim Carey can do it (still not totally convinced) or Steve Carell, I'm sure that Jack could pull it off!

Well, after that crazyness, we headed back to my place to hash out the movie, and have some hot-chocolate. Kris complained about not having a photo for her online dating debut, so I wholeheartedly offered my hubby as cameraman! Yep, she got her pictures, and nice ones too! Now, all she needs to do is GO on a date. Let's see... anyone taking any bets as to how long it will take before she actually goes on one? I'm not talking about if she will be asked, cuz that's a given, but will she accept???

Well, that's enough for the moment. Nothing major to discuss at the moment, and I do have to get back to doing some work here... at work. :)

Have a good day!

Friday, January 26, 2007

It's COLD!

I'm freezing. No, I'm f&*!ing freezing. My store today is colder than... colder than... well, hell, I don't know what could possibly be this cold! Heaven help me but the fires of hell are starting to look good right about now... yep, there goes frostbite to the toes - who needs baby toes anyway!

GAH! Can't type... must... stay... warm. Hands back under the armpits - not pretty, but perfectly warm-er.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Like a deer in the headlights

Yanno... when you just think that nobody is watching, then you find out that someone is! Wow, what an... odd?... feeling. I felt the same today when I grabbed lunch and went to read some of my regular blogs. I mean, some of these blogs are friends, but others are just some that I stumbled onto, and I find them entertaining. Maybe I even connect with how these people are going about in their lives. I don't ever expect that they are reading my blog. I mean.. okay I have a stat counter, but I don't look at it all the time.

But today, someone actually discussed something I posted about - (My gym compliment, the previous post). I went to read Dean's blog, and there he had quoted my blog, and talked about me. Hmm.. it feels a little... umm.. odd. Mostly because I blog for myself. I am not a writer, nor do I pretend to be. My blogs come from whatever is going on in my head, things that I just want to put out into the world. Nothing major, no ulterior motives. (The biggest ulterior motive is maybe so my better half knows what's going on with me) But, there's Dean discussing me, or rather my commentary. Huh.

I know, this may seem a little childish of me. Like when the teacher starts reading from your essay at the front of the class (no Dean, I don't see you as the teacher), your heart jumps, and you want to smile, and crawl under your seat all at once. Butterflies or something.

Anyway, I know, get over it Rella. I will. It's a fleeting thing. But, it's something. I know that I 'm not meant to be a writer... I can't handle the limelight... :)

See ya later

(yes Kris, my name appearing on your blog doesn't count. We're best friends. I might be miffed if it wasn't there! :) ha ha!)

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Noticed... in a good way???

Again, something else that I was hoping for has happened. I was at the gym the other day, and a total (older gentleman) stranger came over to me while I was doing a cool down stretch. He says that I've really come a long way since I started coming to the gym (10 months ago). I thanked him and said that yes, despite not feeling well last week, I came back and started working out again. He again said that I had come a really long way.

Hmm.. So, that begs the question - has he been watching me? Has he been pondering my situation? Has he wondered when he would say things to me... or, is it just a wierd, spur of the moment thing?

Who knows. But, at least someone has noticed.

It was a feel-good kind of day.

Hope all is well in your part of the world. Things are peachy keen here. Nothing exciting, just good. I'm bogged down with research to do for setting up a new website, and I have a shit-load of stuff to learn to have said-website transferred over to a new host.

Oy. But, good.



Monday, January 15, 2007

100 posts - should I celebrate? nah!

Wow, didn't realize that this is my 100th post. Doesn't feel like I've been posting for that long. Well, whatever.

I haven't been around lately, as the whole famn damily has gotten sick. Yes, fist kidlet#2 comes down with the sniffles, then a cough, then PinkEye! Then I catch pinkeye. Then, said kidlet gets spots, then #1 gets them too! ARGH! Coughs, colds, Pink Eye, Chicken Pox... can you tell why I haven't been around? I even got a bad cold myself, and decided to take a few days off last week.

Well, it's back to the grind tomorrow. Kid #1 went back to school today, and I'll go back to work tomorrow. Tell me I'm thrilled. At least it'll be a short week for me. :)

Other than the obvious, things are going well. Life trudges on despite spending time on the couch reading. I'm loving my new/old ebook, and am just zipping through those novellas, quickies, etc. at a fascinating pace. (Well, I can't go too fast, there is only so much time that I can read in a day). Yes, I call it fascinating because after about 10 minutes my kids are at me, wanting something or other. It got to the point where I couldn't go into the bathroom without being followed.

Let me tell you, I totally understand why men take magazines and books into the bathroom with them. It's the quality time spent reading - UNINTERRUPTED!

It's not so bad. At least I read. Not like today where I paid the price. Yep, laundry, cleaning, tidying. oh joy.

Talk to you tomorrow... or later.


Monday, January 08, 2007

How to infuriate and melt a woman's heart

Men... really sometimes they completely baffle me, and other times, I'm just perplexed. One minute they are driving you crazy, the next is just as bad!

Exhibit A: I accidently left the baby stroller outside yesterday. And, no, he didn't bring it in... it started to snow! ARGH! This morning I had to bring it a soggy stroller! I hate that!

Exhibit B: Then, things like this just melt my heart all to pieces! The other night, after a good round of... well, lets just say I was speaking to my husband asking about any.. um... "fantasies" he may have still milling about. And he says..

"Fantasies? Why would I need any fantasies? I'm living my fantasies being with you..."

God, I love that man.

Friday, January 05, 2007

What Women Want...

It's the age old question... what do women want? I was pondering this after a kick-ass workout this morning with my trainer. Really, what they want is to be acknowledged. Acknowledged that they are good at what they do, that they are attractive, that they are smart, you get it.. fill in the blank.

I was walking around the track, thinking that I did a great job at working out today. I really gave it all. Usually after working out I feel either tired or invigorated. Can you guess where I was? I also felt extremely sexy. I mean, after working out this morning getting some great endorphins going... and well.. working out last night in bed... those high giveing, wonderful, sexy...endorphins were flying. My workout clothes are really good - they fit me well, and give me a great curve - so my mind was starting to wander. Wouldn't it be interesting if one of the guys at the gym thought that I looked good. What if one of them had seen me shed my 25 pounds so far, and enjoyed the curves it gave me. What if... what if someone at least appreciated how I looked. I would friggin' love to know that. To get a comment like that is akin to the wolf-whistles while walking by a constructions site (does that happen anymore?). As a woman, you aren't really interested in who did it, insomuch as you love the fact that someone noticed.

There are the nights when Kris and I go out... nights when I know that I have worked my damndest to put together an outfit that is sexy. When I know my hair and makeup are the best they can be. Nights when I come down the stairs and I get a comment from my hubby, or frankly, just that look... It's acknowledgement. Acknowledgement that I look good, and that he still finds me attractive. That may be the problem here. I need that re-affirmation. I need that reminder that yes, even I, can be sexy.

Frankly why in the world do married women go to the clubs then? For that same affirmation. For that feeling that they are appreciated as women. As someone who can still start a wet dream. As someone who can get a man hard, just by how we dance. I mean, it feels good just to let go on the dancefloor, but why are we (married women)there... really..??? For the attention. For the acknoledgement.

On another note... Kris has told me that we are going shopping. One where kids are really not allowed. Looks like we are going to the new local sex shop to go a-browsing. I have an idea of what she wants to buy me, but really, I'm just interested to see what's new. And, by the looks on the internet, there is a lot that's new. Hopefully it's a classy place, not a dirty, dark and dreary place. Let's hope.

So, I hope that your weekend is eventful. By the way things are going, mine will be. So, any advice on toys /things to buy at the store? I'd be intersted to find out.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Resolutions to Revolutions

It's funny, I had a great idea as to what to blog about today... and well... now I'm thinking about two things. Funny how some days you've got nada, then along comes the idea train and drops two things in your lap.. oh well. Considering I'm writing this from work, I'll try to keep it short. :)

**hi boss, hope you aren't reading this!**

I was reading Kris's blog this morning, and she was talking about New Year's revolutions - not resolutions (more on her blog) Taking a look back, it was a year of revolutions.

1. I put my foot down with myself and started working out with a trainer in March and lost 25 pounds to date. I know that it's not a lot, but considering it took me many years to put it on, I'm not expecting to lose it all in a year. I plan on continuing! Yep, 5:25AM comes early, but it's the only time I can find for ME!

2. I found out that I love boxing. I can't wait for the next class to start - especially when you are NOT treated like a girly girl. We are expected to do just as much as the guys do. (All female class, but taught by boxing men!)

3. I found things that I love to do with my husband! We are going to my first fight night in Gatineau in a week. I can't wait! My boxing coach is fighting, and there will be the first female fight ever!

4. I started going every Wednesday night to scrapbook, and get my own family's life journaled. Finally working on my OWN stuff!

So, really, I have no NEW res.. revolutions for this year. It's keep on, keeping on for me! With the added goal of getting my scrapbooking work published in a magazine. But that goes along with #4.

Okay, life is getting busy between customers, so I've gotta go. Hope your revolutions shake up your life a little - change.... it's good.

*I'll try and keep in mind the second thing I wanted to talk about for next time*