Let me look into my crystal ball.....
Something odd has happened to me, and I really can't explain it. When I was about 2 weeks pregnant (And REALLY didn't know) I went to a huge party and got seriously drunk (Gotta remember I didn't know I was pregnant). The party was for a friend's friend who was heading out of town to go to law school.
So, while totally drunk I sat down with her and chatted for a few minutes. Then, from somewhere... don't know where... I started telling her about her life away from home. I've never done that before, and I don't recall where it came from. But, she wrote it down, and then over the last few years has called my friend to pass it along that most of my "predictions" had come true. Now really, this was a complete stranger.
I've done this once before. A friend's husband was DD one evening for "ladies night out". All the women were dancing, and I didn't feel like it. So, nicely buzzing I went and chatted to this guy and we talked... then I did some "guessing" and told him a few things. Which he totally agreed on. Things that I shouldn't know. And he was a total stranger! (relatively speaking)
So, evidently I've "predicted" a few things to Kris, who has since confirmed with a woman who has "significant talent" in this area. She agrees with me.
Okay, bottom line: I don't so much believe in this, as do people I've chatted with. At least a few things have to happen in order to make this work...
1. I have to be drunk (nope, get nothing while sober)
2. I have to chat with the person for a little bit, and get a feel for them.
3. I have to be in the right mood, feelin crappy, and it doesn't work.
I call it intuition, but maybe it's more than that.
Imagine a stranger in a bar. You sit and chat for a while and start to extrapolate what you know about them into their life. How they are with friends - extrapolate to work ethic, to dealing with kids, to... anything. Well, that's what I feel like I'm doing with people. I chat with them, and then extrapolate into the future. I guess. And I tell them I'm guessing. But my guessing has been correct more often than not!
I can't say that I get "feelings", or "something" tells me. I just blurt out what I think.
So, does that make me psychic... or just a "chic"... :) Dunno...