Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thirteen movie/show quotes.

I love movies. So, to get me out of my slump.. I've decided to put together a few of them. Any guesses? If you get it right, I'll put your name beside the quote, and bold the quote. If you have to google them... well, you're a cheat!

1. "When you make an assumption, you make an ass out of me and umption!"

2. "My name is Pussy Galore"
"I think I'm in heaven"

3. "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yes, no, no, yes, no, no, no, no,no YES!"

4. "It's just a wafer thin mint."

5. "You're my sun, my moon, my starlit sky, without you, I dwell in darkness!"

6. "I stole a baby!"

7. "What is your favorite colour?
- Green, no - ahhhh!!"

8. "No, She hasn't...
Yes, she has..
She's not lost that lov..."

9. "Ignore the bird, follow the river"

10. "Where is the ka-boom? there was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-boom!"

11. "I'm happy! I'm happy!" *whack*

12. "It's merely a flesh wound!"

13. "It's in that place where I put that thing that time."

Okay, so a few may be from the same movie... but I still like the quotes!

Waiting... for the awful phone call or other bad news

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel a great sorrow, but you really don't know why? I feel like I've been punched in the stomach today. I feel like I've lost something that I can't ever get back. I even asked my husband this morning if everything is okay between us. He replies, "You always do that, I'm just immersed in cleaning up the kitchen, and you ask if we're okay... we are OK!"

It started last night when I was driving home from supper. I felt this ache in my heart. I had 2 or 3 drinks last night, spaced out really well.. so I wasn't buzzed or anything, but I think that had something to do with it. When I get alcohol in my system something happens, something wakes up and starts getting all psychic on me. It's actually kinda scary sometimes - the things I have told people about themselves that since came true. I'm not talking... "you're going to maybe see an old friend". More like.... "you're going to dump the man you are with, date and marry an American, and live in Detroit"... all said when the person hasn't been NEAR the border!

So, today I'm mourning the loss of something I don't know about, and waiting to hear the news as to what has happened. I don't know what it is... and it's creeping me out. Let's just hope that it's hormones, or a flu bug or something. It's driving me crazy.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Non-verbal commuication between the sexes

My hubby had actually posted a good post on his website today. He talked about non-verbal communication, and how he had enough with it all. It was all in reference to a book at I'm currently reading: The Blond Geisha by Jina Bacarr

In it, there is a teahouse (home of the geishas), called the Teahouse of the look-back tree. I told my husband about how it's a nice reference to a woman leaving her lover, and then turning around at a specific tree, to take one last look at him, and give him one last look at her. It's a very nice scene. My husband, took it another way, and said, that while the woman would be giving her lover one last look, maybe he would take it to mean that he had had a change of heart, and it was a hesitation.

So, there starts the argument/conversation about nonverbal communication. He has had enough with non-verbal communication. How hints and looks can mean certain things. And how he's going to toally ignore the non-verbal stuff because he always gets it wrong. What is the point of trying to decipher non-verbal hints and inferences, without the possibility of someone getting hurt? - so forget it.

I countered... Woman wish that her lover/partner could understand the non-verbal stuff, although in reality very few men do.... but that doesn't stop us from wanting it. How often do romance novels (and other media for that matter), include looks and arched eyebrows, and dammit, just plain hints at certain things that you would like. It's awful to think that you have to verbalize everything. But, life goes on, reality hits, and woman end up having to verbalize things that they wish their partners would pick up on. Flowers when you aren't feeling well... Cologne purchased and worn when a woman comments that some men smell great... just stupid little things.

Little things like the italian charm bracelet that I've been wearing for a year now. My birthday, mother's day, our anniversary, all passed by... and I've bought 3 charms for myself. And I have all of 4 charms on it... (first one was from Kris).

Maybe that ticked him off... who knows, but he removed the post. I tried just to bring out the female side of things...Yes, a generalization, but what the hell.

So, that (in a round-about way) brings me to the end of my post, and a question. Are you the kind of person that likes non-verbal communication? Do you need a hit over the head to see the non-verbal stuff, so you've given up? You know what I think... Are you a guy, and just don't get it? Or, do you give it a shot?

Maybe I'm just talking to myself here... but I'd like to know. (sorry for the half-ass post, but I had to get it off my chest)


Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm back.... I'm gone... I'm back... oh hell!

Sorry to those people popping by and not finding anything since Bond. Well, it's been a crazy week, and I've actually been REALLY busy at work. So, since I had a minute to myself, I thought that I would do a quick blog.

The whole fam damily is packing up and heading for hubby's step-mom's for the weekend. It's a trek, but it means I get to check out a few stores in "the big city!". After shopping with Kris the other day, now my ass is clad in nice jeans that fit me - e-ven! Although I'm seriously wondering who the heck thought up low rise jeans. I keep checking to see if I have "plumber butt" when I sit down. Call me paranoid!

I've got a million things to do before we leave tomorrow. Thankfully none of them have to do with purchasing gifts, but a few have to do with oh.. packing... and.. finishing making gifts... I'm SCROD! Such is life. I was hoping for a quiet day at work, so I could get a little done... ahh - NO! How dare work get in the way of a little last minute procrastinator's prep work. huhhhp!

Ok, back to work. Maybe I can get a little done, and then sneak in some other stuff! ARGH.

Hope you 'mericans are having a good Turkey Day! Go crazy with the sales on Monday! :) Wish I could!


Friday, November 17, 2006

Sushi, Bond and spanking... Oh My!

I guess I have been fairly remiss. I haven't posted in days, and here I was going to post daily on the imminent release of James Bond. Bad Rella. Somebody spank me.

Ahh.. that's better.

I'm currently at work (shhh!) and sitting on pins and needles. Mr. P.T. is going to find out today if he has his new job, which is good news for me... because he won't leave his old job! Confused yet? Bottom line... if he gets this job, he stays at the Y, I get to keep my personal trainer, and he will probably not take any more clients, except those he currently has! YIPPEE!!

So, now, it's just a matter of figuring out how to pass the time before tomorrow..!!! JAMES BOND!! *happydance*. I can't wait. Plus, sushi before that!
I'll have to endure going with 4 kids to a birthday party at the local science centre, but hey, it's a small price to pay to get my sister to babysit for the evening. Hmm... now to figure out if I can squeeze in a few hours of dancing, and make the night perfect!

Okay, I gotta go and do some more design work. Make diecuts. Argh! Now that the machine and the computer are talking, I can get some work done...

oh. joy.

Chat later

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Revelations & James Bond (not what you think)

I feel like that guy from Saturday Night Life... "I'm good enough, I'm smart enought, and dammit, people like me". Okay, so maybe that's paraphrasing, but at least it gets my point across. The reason I'm channeling SNL is once again, a small revelation that came to me yesterday afternoon. (Granted, I'm sure that this revelation has come before, but it feels new everytime!)

I realized that I'm worth it. I start to feel bad every now and then when I think of my personal trainer. Or, more to the point, the money that is being taken away from my family and given to my personal trainer. (It's not like it's money we miss... we finished paying a loan, and started diverting the cash in that direction next) My MIL asked me for a Christmas wish list, and really, all I want (besides boxing stuff) is more money to put towards my personal trainer. I'm really loving this, and despite my guilt, I'm still there. But, I'm either learning to live with this guilt, or actually defeating it. You see, I feel like I'm getting somewhere!

I went through my winter clothes, figuring I'd trash all the pairs of pants that I can slip off without unzipping. 6 pairs later!!!! I love it! After noticing Mr. Nice-to-Look-at-Kickboxing-guy is running Thursday 6am classes, I'm even adding a Thursday morning at the gym. Call me crazy, but a girl has got to have SOME motivation! Boxing, Kickboxing, Squash, Gym x2 days - lets say goodbye to 5-10 more pounds please by Christmas... PLEASE!

Anyway, I mentioned that I would blog about James Bond. Well, I'm in such a good mood today, I really don't care who comes on Saturday to the dinner & movie. I'm going to have fun... and DAMMIT... even if it's just hubby and Kris, and me!

I've blabbered on enough, and I have to get back to work. But I leave you with these question... Why does Q grow older, but 007 doesn't? Who the heck would name their child Pussy Galore? And, why can't I have any Bond gadgets? (okay, I'm not a 00, but I can learn!)


Sunday, November 12, 2006

James Bond, Westerns and Dad

I soooooo love James Bond. I grew up on James Bond movies and Westerns. Thinking of those 2 types of movies makes me think of my dad. It got to the point that he had seen so many Westerns that I couldn't rent a western that he hadn't seen. Or, more to the point that he couldn't convince me that he'd seen. I still really wish I would have brought him to see that last big Clint Eastwood western movie. Can't remember the title - but it would have been a hoot to bring him to the theatre for a western. I miss him.

Anyway, I'm making plans with others to see James Bond on Saturday. Yippee! I've lined up the babysitter (had to give up my afternoon to babysit for her, then she would do the same for later). But, it's all good! I can't wait to see this one. No, I haven't read any reviews, and I don't want to hear a thing. I want to make up my own mind regarding this new Bond. He'll have to convince me that he's worthy of joining the ranks. And, believe me... they haven't all passed!

As for the company - well, whoever shows up, shows up. I've heard from a few people, but they haven't put down plans as of yet. I think, that seeing how "international" James Bond is, we are heading out for Sushi. No, it has nothing to do with my Sushi obsession of late, nor does it have to do with the fact my better half has had nothing but California Rolls. We are having sushi out of homage to James Bond. Yeah, that's it. I have yet to set up times, but even if it's just hubby and me, I don't care! We are going, before I see any more hype commercials or reviews!

Tell me, what do you think of Bond? Are you going to see Casino Royale? What do you think about the fact that Casino Royale was originally an "unofficial" movie (more like a spoof) made in '67?

Hmmm... maybe I'll make it a Bond blogging week. Just in homage to the franchise. :D


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Immortalized on the 'Net.

Such a bad thing to do. I mean, if you Google yourself, what are you going to find? Thankfully my married name is very generic, so googling it would be useless, but my maiden name is very ... well, let's just say unique.

I found an old fictitious story out there that an internet friend had written. I'm included in the story, in a sweet way, playing myself. The one thing that bugs me, was that he made a dedication, and listed me as his girlfriend. I mean, we chatted online, and somewhere, sometime he got the idea that we were dating. WTF?

Well, that was a long time ago. But, still, the story lives on in the internet. It's odd, to think that my ramblings here, may one day be found by my kids, or more insane than that would be that my name would be found in a sci-fi story. Would my kids wonder what kind of person I was, based on that info. Wow, it seems like a lifetime ago. I don't think that I'm the same person anymore. But, that's just me.

So, where ever you are Mr. Writer, thanks but, I've moved on... and I wouldn't have watched as you got pummled... I would have helped! :D


I'm dreaming of a white..... driveway!

I should have seen it coming! I mean, when you see a snowplow driving the streets, and it's not snowing... yo u know it. He's doing a dry (literally) run of his route. And, any sign of snowplows means SNOW! So, yes, we got hit. I went to put the cat out last night at 4AM (read: stupid cat) and wondered if we had left the porch light on. No. It was the street light reflecting from at least 8 inches of snow. I kid you not!

So, with me having to run to work this morning, the family was left to shovel the driveway. My son loved it... kidlet #2 wasn't so happy. Maybe has to do something with the fact that her snowsuit is too big. Oh well.

So, now, here I am, waiting for the hordes of people to start showing up (not holding my breath till noon). I mean, if I feel like shopping for Christmas stuff right now, you know others are doing likewise. What is it about snow that makes you think - Christmas. At least for us up here in the land of snow! Forget California and the like (yes Doug, this is you). I mean... Santa in swimtrunks? Yikes!

I'm a good Scandinavian girl, and I'm used to celebrating Christmas on the 24th - we actually get to see Santa as he drops by with the gifts. We did Christmas in Florida one year. And seeing Santa sweat like crazy in his velvet suit, then dashing to the swimming pool, just didn't say "Christmas" to me. I dunno. I'm a purist at heart I guess.

Well, that's it for me. I've got to get a few things done before the throngs of people shovel themselves out of this mess.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bopping to what's left of my brain

Life is good.

At least, that is what I would like to believe, at least for the rest of the day.

#1 I went to workout, and my personal trainer told me that he may NOT be leaving the Y. YES! He's put himself in the running for a different job. So, as long as he has time, we will keep our 6AM training sessions!!! :) *happydance* I know, that may seem silly, but I really like my trainer, how things are going, and the fact that I need to buy new jeans because things are getting too big!! If I need to send any letters Mr. P.T., just let me know... I can write reams of them!

Item #2. I found my mp3 player. Kris and I have been finding some awesome music, and now I can take it with me. So, needless to say I took a few seconds, downloaded some new stuff, and have been bopping to it while driving kids to sitters. I really should invest in a way to get mp3s played on my car stereo, without creating CD's...

Item #3 I kicked butt last night at boxing. I love using the boxing pads. Hitting those things as hard as you can, is just.... therapeutic. Plus, as I've mentioned before, the encouragement from the instructor is awesome - his enthusiasm is infectious.

Item #4... okay, so I don't have an item #4, but then again, it doesn't take much to make me happy these days. Get me in a good mood first thing in the morning, and I'm just going like crazy!

All this happiness despite tearing a strip off the side of my ankle yesterday. It's embarrasing. Let's just say that Neet, and items like it, should not be used in conjuction with shavers.... that, and you need a timer in the bathroom. Nuff said.

Hope ya'll have a good day. I know that I'll be bopping to my music today..

Saturday, November 04, 2006

It's a dirty job....

There are some days that I don't mind being a mommy. The cute, funny, or downright hilarious moments that children blindly show us. But then... then there are the moments that I don't want to do the job, or wish I had a maid anyway. Tonight was one of those nights.

My child, in his infinite wisdom, decided to come downstairs and see me while his baby sister was in the bath. (Hubby's job to do bathtime) My son was nekkid... he just decided to "leave" the potty, and come and find me downstairs on the computer. Then, he said "I don't feel so good". I tell him to run to the potty! Next thing I hear is Hubby asking darling son where he went, and how far did he go down the stairs? And... did he hold it in while downstairs?


Well, lets just say that being a Mommy is a dirty job. Some days dirtier than others. Didn't think I'd be cleaning poop like this except from baby #2. Serves us right I guess for having nekkid kids sitting on the potty before bath time. I say Strip-em and toss'em into the bath. Then, there is nothing to clean up..

ARGH! Yuck! Thank God the carpets in this place are brown and old... that's all I want to say on the subject. blah...


Friday, November 03, 2006

Ignore my ramblings... I'll feel better later...

Okay, last emotional-type post for the week... I promise.

Do you ever get the feeling that you are compared to someone, or that you have to show a certain person that you are "good enough"? I started thinking about this thing yesterday when a friend of mine was frantically cleaning her house for a Children's Aid home visit. Hmm.. now, would these people see the "real her" or, the just-cleaned-the-house version of her?

But, I have to say that I am the same way. I frantically clean my house when I know that family will be coming. I want AMPLE notice when my MIL is showing up! It drove me nuts when she came to visit after the birth of my baby girl. The house was a mess, and I hadn't showered since the day before. I was in my mom clothes. Yeah, that wasn't something that was a Kodak moment. It's because my MIL is all about the "show". She may want the best for her son, but sometimes I don't think that I'm it when it comes to the house. She's never said a word, never commented, but I think I could see it in her. Who knows - it just makes me feel horrible. Maybe it's just the Finnish side of me, you know...the people who believe that Pinesol and Bleach shoud be the perfume of choice! :)

Anyway, a small comment was made to me today, reminding me again that I usually come in 2nd place to a certain person. Why do you say that? Well, this person is thin, and is attractive to the opposite sex. (Hell, I even dated someone because she was taken, and I was "close enough", I think it was because I was close to her, and hung around her)

I often wonder if I'm that way anymore (or ever was). Part of me wants to put my picture up at sites like www.amIhotornot.com or some such stupid place. But, I know that it's just a virtual meat market, and my fragile ego would shatter into a million pieces in that kind of venue. But, shit, I just hate being compared to someone. It's my mind playing tricks on me. I know it. The comment wasn't meant as a negative towards me, it's just that I know this good&sexy comment would never be made about me, and it frustrates the hell out of me. I know my strengths. Maybe it was because I wasn't noticed a bit in school, highschool or university that I have this need for positive reinforcement. And, lately, they just aren't there.

Okay, ignore all that crap. I'm such an idiot. I'm not going to erase it, but I don't want anyone to read it either! ARGH!

I just need a (few)good stiff drink(s). Maybe a little bit of loud music. That always makes me feel better. Why is that?

I promise, back to regular old me... tomorrow maybe...


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thursday Thirteen, about me.

Alright you lurkers out there! Fess up! How many of you dived into the kid's candy stash yesterday, and after Halloween? Temptation, it's just staring me in the face. And, it looks like a cute pumpkin with LOTS of carbs & sugar sitting inside.

I have to admit it. I did it. I stole a chocolate bar. (or two). Whose idea was it anyway to leave it all on the kitchen table while I was feeling low yesterday? Whose idea was it to go to THAT MANY places with kids under 5? ARGH! So, hopefully my hubby will start with the slow process of removing what is there, considering that my kid can't eat that much, and I don't plan on it either! Well, let's just hope that the scales don't show me what I've done.

On another note, I've been a little down in the dumps. Tuesday's bombshell (see blog entry below) had me thinking of how far I've come, and how quickly I could go back. I even had someone tell me to eat tuna and rice for my 3 meals a day, and the weight would come off. Yeah, like I want to eat tuna for the rest of my life? What about real food?

I starting to think that I need the help of a nutritionist as well. But, how the hell do you do that? Where do you find someone? I figure that now I'm doing something Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday things are looking good. I just have to add in some walking on the other days - hello, where's my treadmill please? Someone want to give me big bucks so I can buy one?

Well, I may be bummed about what is going to happen, but I am pleased about how far I've come. What can I do now? you ask, let me tell you. My Thursday 13:

1. Fit into smaller clothes that were in my closet!
2. Fit into clothes from Kris! Woooo hooo! (she went down sizes, and the clothes had to go somewhere)
3. Feel sexy, and considering buying undergarments that don't say Hanes...
4. Not wearing the "fat pants" I had to wear last year and buy for big bucks when visiting the other-in-laws.
5. Not feeling so bad about how I look.
6. Convinced I can lift more than I figure!
7. Loving working out, as long as I have a buddy. (I'll miss you buddy!)
8. Starting to think that maybe I could get back to a weight that I used to know.. in... errr.. early University?
9. Feeling geniunly happy about myself, and starting to feel, maybe, fit?
10. Glad I don't have to huff after going up 2 flights of stairs!
11. Feeling that maybe I matter, and my self-worth maybe coming out of the toilet.
12. Maybe this body is worth saving, without the liposuction!
13. I can teach my kids that excercise is fun. This is more than I EVER learned from my family!!

That's it for me.
(If you are reading this Mr. Trainer, say hello, and know that you did REAL good by this girl!)