Ramblings of a Possessed Homebody

Ramblings of a woman, going crazy, slowly... completely...deeply insane!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things that I still have to cross off my list...
(sorta in order of possibility)

1. Rock Climbing. Yes, it's a definite possibility. I want to prove to myself that I can beat my fear of heights.

2. ACTUALLY go up the CN tower for once. I'd really like to have dinner up there - no kids.

3. Fit into a size hmmsldkfj again, and prove to myself that I can do it! (working on this one... hello gym and boxing!)

4. Be published in a magazine. Yes, I do scrapbooking, and I want to see my work up there.

5. Have sex on a beach. Yes, I haven't done this, but I hear that having sand get in between you during sex is not a sexy thing...

6. Have sex in a car. Not just any car... it at least has to be a sports car.

7. Own a home that will actually fit all our stuff, and have a room to workout in. (possible, but not happening for a while)

8. Have a party in said house for all our friends - especially those that live farther away, and some from the states. It would be great to have everyone together again.

9. See my daughter get married to a decent guy (this is probable, but just a long way away, considering she's not even 1.5 years yet)

10. Travel to California and visit family/friends. (This is lower on the list because I'm convinced that when I go there, the BIG ONE will hit)

11. Travel to Egypt and see the Sphinx, or at least see the Mayan Temples.

12. Drive a Viper, Ferrari, or Spider. For more than 2 minutes anyway...

13. Win millions


So, yet another day of driving the monster truck, and please don't tell anyone.... I think I like it. I mean, I wouldn't drive this thing on a regular basis, but I tell ya... it's POWERFUL. Or, at least it feels that way. It makes me want to CRUSH little cars under my LARGE wheels. Muah-ha-ha-ha!

I totally can understand why some guys want a big truck. No, not a big truck... a BIG TRUCK! I'm sitting higher up than most vehicles, and feel like I could get out of my truck, and just walk on them. The kids like it too. From their vantage point, they can actually SEE out of the windows.

Road rage in this thing, would be a BAD thing!!! I was looking at the Alero (similar to what I currently drive) in front of me at the lights... thinking... "You better move buddy, or I might just drive OVER you!". I don't even want to think what a SMART car looks like next to this MONSTER!

Other than that, I went and saw an ENT today, and things are looking okay in my throat. (Yes Doug, I was thinking of you while I was there....) She scoped my nose and throat, and I so totally remember you doing the discussion on what it all looks like.

She thought it was maybe a dry spot in the salivary glands, or something like that... nothing major. She Rx'ed some lubricant for my dry nose and throat. All in all, no problems, especially since my symptoms are all gone now. But, after waiting 2 months to see her, I wasn't about to give up my spot!!

Now, I'm off to pick up the kids, and possibly do some cleaning up before the mother-in-law shows up tomorrow.

Hello to Sierra - if you happen to be out there lurking. You guys... never... post!!! Right jmr, right Kris? Bah!


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Trucks and Vipers and Sex, oh my!

Part 2 of the bad day.

So, my day yesterday went from bad, to pissed-off! Seems that yes, my car was having major transmission difficulties, so I sent my hubby to go and pick up the loaner. ARGH! I said, "Car or Van, either is good." My son says - "Get a truck, that would be cool!"

So, what did my hubby drive up in...
A 2006 Crew Cab Silverado.

Whose idea was this? Where do I put the stroller, the groceries, the "stuff" that acculumates with kids? NOWHERE!

Okay, so besides the fact that it's going to rain, and I have nowhere to put my "stuff", how the heck am I going to drive this thing into my little parking space today? This is crazy!

On another note, it was hubby's birthday party the other day at the restaurant. (not a good idea with 6 kids and 8 adults!) My sister-in-law and her (millionaire) of a boyfriend show up in his latest car. Get this... it's a

2000 Viper - in black.
If it wasn't for the child that was sitting on my shoulders, I would have been a puddle on the ground. Talk about a sexy car. My son took a look inside and commented - "There's no space for me" (aka no backseat). "That's right sweetie. It's an Adults-only car!" If sex drove a car, that would be it. And, let me tell you, it was even a sexy growl that came out of that car as he started it.

Oh, to wish, and wonder. But, that's a pipe-dream. As is driving that baby of a car, down a long stretch of highway with no cops, and no speedlimits!

I have to go fan myself, and calm down.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Damn, I'm determined!

How do you spell COMMITTED? (I hope that's right :) )

My watch died last night before bed. Not a bad issue in itself, other than it's my alarm for my 5:30 wake up in order to get to the gym at 6:00. AND it's my calorie counter when I've strapped on the Polar strap-y thing-y. So, there goes 2 strikes.

No worries. My husband set his watch, and would wake me. I woke by myself, and got ready to head out. I go to the car, started it... and it won't go into reverse. (It's a standard transmission) Everything else works, sure, but I NEED reverse to get out of my driveway. So, determined to go to the gym. I push it out of the driveway. No problem - except for that little dip at the end of the driveway that I can't get over!


So, I want to get going, and I get my hubby involved. He helps me get it onto the street, and I take off to the gym. I may be 8 or so minutes late, but at least I was there!

"Good morning!" "No, not really" I say to everyone. So, I focused my "pissed-off-ed-ness" into working out. I probably worked pretty hard.

But I wouldn't know.

My watch was broken!


That's my day.

It only gets better. My car is in the shop. It will be there for 3 days or so as they tear apart the transmission. But thank goodness for the Extended Warrantee. They will pay for the fix. They will also pay for my rental. Hallelujah!

So, at least it was interesting - but I got actually nothing done. But I HAVE to get myself a new watch battery!! :)


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Of Friends and family

Yes, I'm back. The house is in some sort of order after a mad day of cleaning. Then it was off to work and a BBQ with our little family, Kris & offspring, some good friends down the street, and a bunch of friends from out of town. It was a great night! We laughed and chatted until about 9:30 when some of our friends had to head out back out on the road to travel back home (5 hours away).

Wow, things I have learned this week.

1. Music easily brings me back to earlier days. Was listening to Nine Inch Nails while cleaning, and I love them! Plus, reminds me how much I miss dancing the night away with or without alcohol.

2. Some people are just crazy busy, and I'm glad I'm not. I'm glad that I have time for the spontaneous moments in life. I'm glad that yes, I could drop everything for friends and attend a BBQ. I've put family first, but that doesn't mean that my kids can't go where I go.

3. I'm glad that I've found my SO in life, and really feel for those going through life looking for someone. (No Kris, this does not mean you). If you keep yourself so busy, does that mean you are just living your life, and hoping someone will jump into it, or are you running away from something?

4. Anticipation is the best thing in the world, given the right time and place. It can either tie your stomach in knots, or float you through your day. BUT, anticipation is not a good thing if it is a dreaded event. :)

Okay, that's enough blabbering from me. I'm working today, and off tonight to dinner with the extended family, with kids in tow. Should be fun... argh!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Madly Dashing before the weekend

It's a MAD DASH! Pick up the place before mother-in-law shows up. I know that she will drop by to see the kids. I mean, really... she won't make an appearance without stopping in, and she never comments on the condition of my home, but I have to pick up (more than usual) around here.

You just know that you've taken on too much for the week, when you can't seem to find the time to even EAT! Noon seems to fly by, and the only notice I take is when my stomach growls! Argh! Something to do every night, and now to find the time to clean.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we go crazy over someone else, but when it comes to ourselves we don't pick up. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to be considered a guest in your own home? ARgh. I have to find that flylady stuff again, and get started.

Oh well. Hope things are going better where you are.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gym time

God I'm beat. I went to workout this morning at 6am, and my Personal Trainer just kicked my butt to hell and back. He added another set to my workout, and nearly killed me.

So, I guess it' not considered S&M if you don't get off on it, huh? Well, I don't get off on it, but I do like the results on it. Truly, I'm not an S&M type of girl (when it comes to working out), but I will go along with nearly anything! Hmm.. might want to rephrase that one.. oh well.

On another note, it's funny what people see and don't see at the gym. There is a couple there that workout at the same time, but not together. When they were walking at the same time, but not together, I mentioned to the guy that he was being "chased". He was probably suprised that I noticed. So sorry bud, but you weren't fooling anyone that you were single. Even if you did flirt with Kris last week.

Well, gotta go. The smaller of the offspring needs to get her needles today. yay... err.. oh.. and a diaper change.. ewww..


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dating, then and now.. (*notwhat you think)

Ther are some things that I would rather really leave behind in highschool. My bad hair back then, my reputation (not going there), and my taste in clothes. That time just belongs back in the past.

There is one thing that keeps me just annoyed with myself. My attempts in expanding my circle of friends. Back in highschool it wasn't easy to find a group of friends that you fit in with, but really, when you found them, you know that group would back you up. Your circle grew based on who your friends knew - especially from other schools. Rarely did new people get mixed into the group unless a new person started at your school.

So, that's how I feel now. My group of friends keeps getting smaller, and no matter what the attempt, I feel knocked down at every turn. I saw a TV sitcom about this a while back. Couple A was looking to expand their circle of friends, and started "dating" other couples. You call and ask "can you make it out for dinner" all the while wondering if they will dump you for another couple.

Believe me, it wasn't easy dating back then, and it certainly isn't easy expanding your circle of friends when you are older. I guess to some it just comes naturally, but I can't seem to find that niche I guess.

So, here I sit, thwarted yet again. Somedays I don't think it's even worth trying. But I'll try... again... someday. Maybe an end of summer BBQ... Yep, you are all invited... :)


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Some websites should be terminated!

Websites. Sometimes, they just tick me off. Why would you go to the trouble of creating one, if you don't update it at least yearly??? I mean, I've been searching for a few things, and found that there are websites out there that still have their "what we are doing" calendars from 2003! I mean, come on, if you have a calendar, that means that you SHOULD update it.

ARGH! It pisses me off to think that people are just "on the internet" because they think they should be, rather than actually passing on information that is TIMELY!

Just a pet peeve...


Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2001

I was driving by myself. About 1 hour into a 3 hour drive. I was listening to CBC radio, when they interrupted the "regular program" to broadcast what was going on. I don't think that I even remember the actual drive, just the feelings after hearing what was going on. I remember the chaos that the announcers were talking about, and I just couldn't imagine even being there. I checked into my hotel room and quickly turned on the TV. I couldn't believe that what they were describing on radio was actually true.

I was also pregnant, only a few months by then, but I was really thinking about what kind of world I was bringing my child into. Would it be the beginning of the end for humanity. Was I bringing my child into a world where I would never see him/her grow up in.

Now, 2 kids later I still wonder if I will see them grow up. I wonder how "big brother" will affect them as they grow up. I wonder if ever we will find the utopia that Star Trek predicted, or if we will only have a paranoid world where everyone is cautious and plays with their cards close to their body.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

School - Yay, but oh no.

Heaven help me. I'll be putting my eldest in school tomorrow. Junior Kindergarten.

And here it starts - the school events, the good things - pizza day, colouring at school, learning cool stuff, bringing home things to put on the fridge, good friends by the classfull!

But, my heart goes out for those days that will hurt him. Days that I so remember. Teasing by bullies, forgotten permission slips, friends that say mean things, falling during recess and just holding it in, hoping that nobody will notice.

Lord, I hope he grows up to be a good kid. I hope he's neither the bully nor the bullied. I hope he's at the top of his class - but not the pet. I hope he's good at sports, and doesn't get picked last. I hope that he isn't like me sometimes, but like me at other times.

I remember school fondly, but really it was the university/college days that were the best. My final years I finally figured out stuff about myself. I found friends that I "fit in" with. I found things that I excelled at. And, I figured out that guys are just guys - not the end all and be all of the world. I figured out that I can still be me, without one. There will be another guy, but that didn't mean I didn't have fun with who I was with.

God, September is such a beginning, and an end.


Friday, September 08, 2006

Chasing the spice in life

I was reading Cosmo online today. (Yes, I was bored, and looking for risque stuff!). And I came upon an advice columnist (male) who kept saying that men like the chase.

So, now I'm wondering, how the heck do you keep up the chase once you are married. I mean, short of running around the dining room half naked, (which may not be a bad idea), what do you do to keep things hot?

Some women feel that once the chase is over, and the ring is on your finger, it's time to "let yourself go". Well, after 2 kids, I starting to build myself back up, and things are going well. But how do you add that spice back into your life?
Naughty lingerie? Footsies under the table at dinner? Sexy DVDs?

What is your way to get the magic going once you are in a relationship. Doesn't even have to be a relationship with a ring, but at least one that has been around for longer than 1 month!

Waiting for ideas...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Crash - and the world crumbles around me.

Why is it, that when you think that you are finally up on things, the world crashes down? I mean, whether it's the movies or life, you are happily going along, and then BOOM fate decides to body-check you into next week.

I suppose it's the greatest tool that a writer can have. You know Mr. Guy is just walking along, minding his own business, and Crash!, shit happens. That's what I feel like today. Maybe it's PMS-y or something, but I keep feeling like something else is going to crash down on me. Been talking with the hubby about crap that I don't want to bring up, but it makes me feel like I'm a real moron. Bah, I gotta get out of this mindset.

Been reading stuff by Doug at Balls and Walnuts. Definately something to think about. Male doctors, actually being sexual beings. I don't know if I want to think about my doctor as someone who has those thoughts. Mostly I contemplate if my doctor thinks I'm a web-surfing, believing-it-all kinda woman. I mean, there are things that I have declined, and he's tried to scare me into doing them. Doesn't believe that I've done my homework I guess. But to think that he might be "getting off" on doing pelvic exams, or breast exams. Ewww! I mean, my mother and I have the same doctor - Ewwww! I'd be interested to know what a female doctor thinks about when dealing with women. I wonder if she's all business - I kinda tend to think so. And how many men with hard-ons has she had to deal with. Hmmm.. I smell a story there. Too bad I'm not a writer.

Ah... gotta go... laundry calls me. I'll think more on it while folding.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Of Boobs and Men

Who the hell do they think that they are fooling?

I mean really?

Kris and I went to the gym this morning, and yet again, I saw the same woman working out. Hey, I have no problem for people working out, go for it!! But really. She's a beautiful girl - platinum blonde hair and thin waistline. Why the heck did she go and get size XXL boobs? Really, did she need it? She's got superlarge boobs, and a thin waist. Tell me they aren't real.. Yeahh.. right!

Who does she think that she is fooling? Who is she doing it for? Really? Do men look for a long time partnership based on boobs alone? I'd like to think that there are some men that think with other parts of their anatomy besides their groin.

I'm totally really... disgusted. She's a beautiful girl, and yet the women make fun of her, and the men ogle her. The poor girl. Do women want that kind of attention. Men looking at you for your breasts rather than the whole package?

Well, Boob-o (derrivative of Bimbo), maybe, sadly she doesn't have a brain, so the money had to go into the breast implants. I've heard her talk - I'm not sure that she can hold up her end of a conversation with a stick!

Please guys, fess up... is Boob-o the kind of girl that you look for when looking for a long-term mate?

Girls - don't you just want to slap them silly?

Somebody - say something!


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It hurts so good!

I have new meaning to that whole phrase... "hurts so good". I just came back from boxing... well, it wasn't boxing night, it was another martial art, but you get the idea. Not to mention that at 6am this morning, I had time with my personal trainer.

God, I'm sore.

But, really, it hurts so good. This feels as good as the endorphins after sex. Kris, you missed a good night.

Not to mention that our instructor was using pads, so that we could actually hit and connect with him, without fear of injuring the poor guy.

Poor guy... yeah... more like cute guy who participates in Mixed Martial Arts fighting.

But, this really makes me think that I might be able to handle myself if I was ever in a situation I had to fight my way out of. There is nothing like actually throwing a punch, and it landing! Awesome!

For now, I'll just enjoy the endorphins.

God, I feel good.
God, I'm sore.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Of Muses and Renaissance Men

So, after hunting around, I'm not really sure that I could qualify for a muse, but I kinda felt like one last night.

According to wikipedia: The word muse may be used figuratively, to denote someone who inspires an artist.

So, I felt like a muse then... well, together Kris and I hashed out another idea of hers for a book, and man did the ideas flow that night. I can come up with great ideas, but thank God I'm not a writer. I could never put it all together. I could never add the guts of the story. That, is Kris's job.

I've mentioned before that sometimes I wake up with great ideas. I think in the shower, and come up with scenes of story lines, but then, they are gone. Sad really. I wonder if the men (and women) of the renaissance were really just that. People that had visions, but could put them down onto paper or canvas easily. I always think of them as a "jack of all trades", but some really were masters as well.

That's my big thought for the day. Keep going Kris! Can't wait till those ideas are in print. You go girl!
